Shard 2

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I look at him. He looked back at me. I hate him already. 

"My name is Kaito Nishikki" Kaito introduced. "S-Shina Makoto" I replied. 

"Oi, Kaito you found the ball yet?!" the boy from outside shouted again. "Yeah, I'm coming!" Kaito shouted back. "See ya' around!"

Tch, what a jerk. Next time I see him, I'm going to let him taste my fist. 

I walked home alone after school. It's not my fault I hate him already. It was his fault for knocking me down after he came in the window unexpectedly. Geez, what a drag. Now everyone is going to hate me for talking to him disrespectfully. More like he deserved it.  

I wasn't paying attention so I bumped into someone. 

"Ow, that hurt" I said. "You're are the one who bumped into me" he said. I recognize this voice. I looked up. Speak of the devil, it's him.

A few minutes later, "K-Kaito" I said. "Why are we walking together?" 

"To see where you live" Kaito replied. "What are you gonna do, stalk me, vandalize my apartment room?" I said.

"No, just to see" he said. "You're disgusting" I replied. "Like your the one to talk" Kaito said back.

When we reached our apartment building, "Can you stop following me now?" I asked. "No" He replied. What a pain this is. "W-Why not?" I asked. "Because I live here too" Kaito replied. 

Shoot me. This bastard lives here, in the same apartment building too. Why didn't I notice him any sooner? 

We checked in and got on a elevator. I want to die. Meeting him was the worst thing ever and now we live under the same roof! Why is this happening to me out of all people! 

When the elevator stopped on my floor, "Why haven't you gotten off yet!?" I asked. "I live here too you know so just shut up already" Kaito replied. 

He lives in a room a couple halls away from me. Whew, at least he lives a couple miles away. Even though we are apart, we are still under the same roof. This is not right.

Author's Note:

How do you like this twist so far? (>u<) Don't worry there's plenty down the road. I need to get a cup of water. 

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