13 and pregnant

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So it's been a few days since my encounter with drew. Like honestly I've been trying to forget about him because like I don't even need to be messin with a 17 year old but then again he made me feel so so different I've never felt that way before ever. I decided to call my best friend Emily to talk to her about all of this.

*on the phone with Emily*

"Hello" she said.

"Hey girl it's me."

What's up girl I haven't talked to you in a few days what's going on?"

Well actually I have something really really big to tell you, but please do t get pissed at me when I tell you.

"Hello I'm your best friend I swear I won't get mad"

"Okay well the other night I went to a party with some friends and while I was there I met this one guy........"

"Okay and why would I get mad at you for this?" She asked like I was stupid.

"Well at this party we decided to leave and go for a drive....."

"Okay that wasn't the smartest choice but it's not horrible"

"Well on this drive he took me to his old tree house and when we were there we kinda sorta did it"

"Woah woah woah!!!! No u didn't say you lying oh Sierra really are kidding me??!"

"Girl I wish I was I wish I was"

"Tell me that u used protection!"

I actually didn't even know the answer to that question at all like it all happened so fast but then why wouldn't he, I'm pretty sure he doesn't want a baby.

"Are you still there Sierra?"

Yeah yeah sorry I was just thinking that's all. hey I got to go I feel a little but sick I'll talk to you later"

"Alright feel better byeeeeeee"

After I hung up with Emily I want to the bathroom and lifted my shirt up. I looked at my stomach. It didn't look like a baby was in there. But then again it has only been a few days. I'm pretty sure I'm not pregnant. At least I hope not. I'll just have to wait to see if my period comes or not. I dismissed the though of even bring pregnant and went to listen to some music.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08, 2014 ⏰

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