Chapter 8: Why Him?

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Phichit went to sleep on the floor next to Yuri, still confused. Why did he lie to me, he thought to himself, does he not trust me.

It hurt Phichit to think that Yuri, his best friend didn't trust him.

He knows he tweets, Snapchats, Instagrams... okay he posts a lot, about pretty much EVERYTHING, but it didn't mean he would tell the whole world Viktor had cheated on Yuri.

Okay maybe to shame Viktor and ruin his brand but that's besides the point.

Phichit rolled over and looked at Yuri. He looked so peaceful. It reminded him of when they were roommates in college, barely making it by, staying up to talk about the hard assignments, language barrier and people they were attracted to.

Yuri never said anything other than the name Viktor Nikiforov, but Phichit went on for hours about every attractive person he had saw and fantasizes about.

But they were all lies, for Phichit had a slight crush on Yuri. He would never tell Yuri but he'd feel a slight warm feeling when their fingers touched, or when Yuri let Phichit gush about his hamsters, and even when Phichit was nervous about tests.

Yuri was always there for him, and was the best best friend Phichit could ever ask for, but he always wondered... what if they had something more. Once Mari told Phichit that Yuri was back in Japan alone, he felt as if it were his chance, his big break, he'd finally get to try to make a move.

But he knew he couldn't do that now.

Even if by the off chance that the ever perfect Viktor Nikiforov messed up his one shot at winning his love Yuri back, Phichit would feel too guilty for being that guy that swooped in when Yuri felt depressed and down. He knows if Yuri leaned on him for support, Yuri would feel the need to repay him, and if by spreading his love was the way, he would do it.

Phichit didn't want Yuri to love him like that. He wanted Yuri to love him for him, and if that was not possible, then he'd rather not have him at all. Phichit felt a tinge of sadness.

Is this what moving on feels like?

The boy rolled over in his futon and smiled at the ceiling.

Yeah I think it is.

He inched close towards Yuri and pushed a strand of hair past his face. Yuri was so beautiful. If only he knew it.

Phichit passionately kissed Yuri on the lips, hard enough to show his gratitude throughout this journey of his unknowingness of Phichit's unrequited love, but soft enough to not wake his friend up and startle him. Phichit knew that if Yuri woke up, he'd be sent out and would have to stay somewhere else, and he didn't want that.

Phichit rolled over and fell asleep, only to dream a new dream. Not one of what could've been, but one of what is. Him and his best friend staying simply friends.


The Next Morning

Phichit received a text.

"Bring Yuri to Ice Castle around one." Viktor demanded. Phichit was tempted to simply reply, "no."

He promised Viktor one chance so one chance he shall get, for now he had to get answers out of Yuri.

"So Yuri..." Phichit started as he ate a slice of toast, "Viktor told me what happened."

Yuri spit out his orange juice.

"He what? How did you even come in contact with him! Did he follow you and ask a million questions? Is that what happened?! I bet it is!"

Phichit laughed. Yuri still knew his fiancé best, better than anyone in the world. If that wasn't goals he doesn't know what is.

"Yuri, may I take you somewhere this afternoon?"

Yuri blushed faintly. It was so light that if you blinked you might not have caught it.

"Like a date?" Yuri asked shyly.

Phichit chuckled, "no not a date, just to hang out, like old times!"

Yuri looked lost, "Oh-Okay... sure! Let's go, wherever you want!"

"Great! Ice Castle it is!" Phichit said.

"Wait what?" Yuri replied.

"Be ready!" Phichit yelled as he scurried out of the room to change.


Phichit brought Yuri to Ice Castle around one like Viktor asked, and of course the jerk was not even there!

"Really!" Phichit muttered as they arrived. The two walked to the rink and all the lights were off.

Suddenly a familiar classical song came on. It was Salut d'Amour, the sappiest classical song possible.

Suddenly the lights were on, but solely on the rink. Yuri's eyes lit up.

He knew.

Viktor came out in an outfit that resembled the costume Yuri wore at the World's two years prior. The gesture alone made Yuri's eyes glisten.

Viktor then proceeded to slowly skate with so much passion, it could make butter melt.

The program told a story that even the dullest of the dull could tell.

It told the story of how Yuri felt helpless and was going to retire, but Viktor came into his life and taught him everything he knew. Phichit knew this by how Viktor imitated Yuri's moves and faked a tumble or too, and his skating gradually got better. It then went on to tell how the two of them got closer and became one.

The skating then reflected a different side of the relationship. The sexual part, or lack there of. Viktor showed his vulnerable side and how he felt insecure but wouldn't show it, how sex defined what he thought meant progression in their relationship. Viktor proceeded to show this with three jumps and a layback spin, something rarely done by him, showing how he never behaved like such before.

Viktor concluded the story with how all he wanted was Yuri and all he loved was Yuri. He showed this with a complicated step sequence, the type that Yuri was very good at.

Phichit couldn't take his eyes off of Viktor. Viktor was perfect and it disgusted him. Yuri wouldn't take this. Yuri would turn up his nose and walk away, right?


Instead Yuri, face full of tears, ran down to the rink and hugged his fiancé.

Phichit was a tad bitter, but very happy. It was finally over.

"Yuri, did you like my performance?" Viktor asked snuggling his lover.

"Yeah, I did. And I want you to do it forever, with me." Yuri smiled at Viktor.

Viktor smiled back.

They stared into each other's eyes with a loving look and it set Phichit's heart ablaze.

Their love gave him hope, no matter how bad things got, they still had each other, they still loved each other, and that's all Phichit wanted.

Well, he always had his hamsters to love him.

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