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Maya and Lucas got off the elevator. The owner apologized and gave them ticket for the next showing which started in ten minutes.

Maya and Lucas got seated and there was awkward silence.

"Nothing's ever been awkward between us before. What's up with us?" Maya asked.

Lucas looked at her and said as serious as he could "it's the hormones man"

Maya laughed so loud everyone in the theatre turned to look at her and Lucas placed his hand over his mouth. She licked it and he pulled it away.

"That's disgusting" he said.

"No different than having my tongue in your mouth" Maya said and smirked as Lucas glared.

"That was not supposed to happen it's just that hoodie looks really good on you" he slipped out.

Maya smiled. "Oh. So you think it's hot when I wear your clothes" she laughed.

"Can't answer that I have a girlfriend. And what happened in the elevator can't happen again because it's cheating."

"No I completely understand! It's just the hormones" Maya said and the movie began.

They finished their movie and left using the stairs.

They climbed into Lucas's car and talked about anything and everything. Lucas dropped Maya off and told Riley he needed to meet her.

They met an hour later in Central Park.

Riley sat down on a bench beside Lucas.

"Riley I need to tell you something" he said.

She smiled. "Anything"

"Maya and I kissed. It meant nothing but it still happened"

Her smile faded

"Wow. Ok" she said.
"Lucas. If you and I are going to work your going to have to stop seeing Maya. You make a choice right now. Me or Maya" she said.

"Riley don't do this" he said.

She crossed her arms.

He sighed.

"After lunch and supper tomorrow I won't see Maya again" Lucas said.

Riley smiled and hugged him.

"Thank you lukey. I love you!" She said as she left.

How would he explain this to Maya.

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