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Maya and Riley sat in the bay window and watched movies on her laptop.

"I'm glad we made up" Maya smiled.

"Me too. I'm really sorry" Riley said.

"It's ok. I understand. Lucas is pretty great. He's one of a kind" Maya smiled.

"Yeah he is" Riley laughed. They spent the rest of the night watching riverdale on Netflix and admiring how good cole sprouse looked in a beanie while they talked and caught up.

The next morning Maya woke up and stretched. She saw Riley was still asleep so she went to the kitchen and ate a bowl of cereal. No one was up yet so she decided to go for a jog.

She put her hair up and left.

As she jogged around the track in the park she saw Lucas.

She smiled.

"Hey buddy" she said.

"Hey Maya" he said. They began walking side by side.

"What are you doing out. It's 5?" Lucas asked.

She wrapped their arms together.

"Couldn't sleep. You know how it is" she said.

They kept walking and talking when Maya's phone rang. She answered it and it was Riley.

"Where did you go?" She heard.

"I'm at the park" Maya laughed.

"Oh thank goodness I thought you were kid napped" she heard Riley laughed.

"I promise I'm not" Maya laughed. "I'll be back later" she said.

Maya put her phone back in her pocket and her and Lucas made a few laps around the track.

"Well I better be going to hang with riles and I gotta work later. Come by?" She asked.

"What time do you work?" He asked.

"I start at 2" Maya said.

"I'll be there. See you later" he said.

Maya smiled and began walking to Rileys. Riley ate some eggs and they talked more.

They went and watched more Netflix until Maya had to leave to go get ready for work.

She got back to her apartment and changed into her uniform. She put her hair back up and touched up her makeup.

She left to go to topangas and she clocked in.

She stood behind the counter and waited for someone to come in. A group of guys came in and sat down at the island. She went to take their order.

"Hi I'm Maya I'll be your server. What can I get you guys?" She asked.

"Your number" one of them said.

"I don't think that's on the menu" Maya said.

He grabbed her and pulled her closer. "You should add it. And after your shift maybe we can go away"

"I would really appreciate it if you could get your hands off of me." She said.

"I don't think I should" he said.

"I think you should" Maya heard from behind her. Lucas was standing there.

"Is this guy bothering you babe?" He asked.

"No no I'm not" he said.

Lucas wrapped his arm on Maya's shoulder.

He kissed her cheek and walked over to the guy picking him up by his collar.

"If you ever put your hands on her again I will break your neck do you understand?" He said.

The guy nodded.

"Spread the word" Lucas smiled sarcastically and let go of the guy walking to Maya and pulling her behind the counter with him.

"Thank you Lucas" Maya said. "But I had it under control"

"It didn't seem like it" Lucas said.

"I would've been fine"

"I didn't want to risk it. I guarantee he won't try anything again" Lucas said.

Maya smiled. "Thank you 'babe' " Maya said.

"You're welcome honey"

Maya continued her shift and Lucas stayed the entire time.

"You could've left a while ago. Don't be so paranoid" Maya said.

"If anything happened to you I would be lost" Lucas said as they walked to the car.

"Ditto" she smiled.

They got in the car and Lucas drove Maya home.

"Goodnight bestfriend. And thank you"

"Night. And any time" he said.

Maya went inside and got in bed.

She went to sleep in her uniform.

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