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The next day Maya went on her date with Farkle. It was really awkward and she hated it. But she didn't want that to be known.

"So. You wanna go out again tomorrow?" Maya asked.

"I didn't think this was going that well"

"We can retry."


"Farkle. Trust me. I'm a little moody today. Tomorrow will be better"

He smiled. "Ok"

Maya went over to Lucas's house and knocked on the door. Lucas opened it.

"Ready to talk to me?"

"I just wanted to tell you it went great. We have another date tomorrow"

"Good. Congratulations" Lucas said.

"You could be sincere with it" Maya said.

He stepped closer to her their faces inches apart.

"That's as sincere as I can get" he said. Maya got closer.

"Well that's unfortunate" she said dryly.

They pulled back. Maya turned and walked away. Lucas turned and went inside.

Brad was in the living room. "Wild" he coughed. Lucas shot him a glare.

"Seriously dude if you aren't gonna jump on that I will"

Lucas had enough. He pushed him up against the wall his arm layed across brads chest.

"You won't"

Brad laughed.

"You know I bet if you stopped her right now and kissed her she would kiss back. I bet if you brought her up to your room she'd be willing to go pretty far if not all the way"

Lucas pushed harder.

"I don't care"

"If I were you-"

"You aren't" he said angrily.

"Well if I was... I would love to take a ride on that. Her ass is amazing. Does she do squats?"

Lucas pulled him forward then pushed him back.

"You can mess with me all you want but you're not gonna disrespect Maya like that"

"Yep. You're in love with her"

Lucas let him go. "I'm not"

"Ok. But seriously. Does she do squats"

"No. She doesn't"

"Lucky guy you are. Lucky guy"

The next day Maya and Farkle went out again.

They went to eat at a place called 'crazy'.

They sat down and a waitress took their order.

"So how has your day been" Farkle asked.

"Pretty good so far. Yesterday was shitty"

"You and Lucas still fighting?" He asked.

"Yea. He just can't be happy for me"

"Maya. It means he likes you"

"No he doesn't"

"He does. I always thought you two would end up together"

"No. Him and Riley. That's how it's always been"

"Ok Maya." Farkle said.

They ate dinner and talked. Maya went home and went straight to sleep but Farkle went to Lucas's.

Lucas opened the door. He wasn't happy to see Farkle.

"Can I come in?" He asked.

"Sure" Lucas said.

Farkle came in. "Maya and I decided to stay just friends for now"

"That's good" Lucas said.


"I just think you guys are better as friends"

"So then who should Maya date?"

Lucas shrugged. "Whoever she wants"

"But I take it you weren't happy when she was with me"

"Farkle. She can do who she pleases. It doesn't matter to me. I'm dating Riley"

"Ok. I'll be going now"

"Ok" Lucas said.

"Thanks for popping in?" Lucas said.

"Yea. You're welcome."

Lucas called zay. Zay gave great advice.

He came in. "Problem?" He said as he kicked back on the bed.

"Maya. We kinda got in this fight because she was going out with Farkle and I might've told her she shouldn't and she freaked out on me"

"Oh. You didn't want her with Farkle cause you wanted her with you?" Zay said.

"No. I'm with Riley."

"Really!? I always thought it'd be Maya. You seem like y'all have a thing for each other. Plus with you guys chemistry the sex would be wild"

"Yea. That's what everyone tells me" Lucas said. "I was hoping you could say something else"

"Lucas. Everyone's been telling the truth. There's nothing else to tell"

"So basically everyone thinks I should be with Maya. "

Zay nodded. "Well that's dandy" he said.

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