EPILOUGE- The Life We Live

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"Stay out of my stuff!"

"Stay out of my room then!"

My morning basically starts this way every morning. I sighed pulling my Versace sheets back and stepping into my Gucci flip flops.

"Touch me again and I will slap your teeth straight!"


"Girls!" I yelled jogging down the long spiral staircase. "That's enough. It's seven in the morning and I've already heard enough. Stop all this and get ready for school."

Queen and Miracle sighed. "Yes ma'am." They said in unison walking up the stairs.

I shook my head at the two and grabbed the pancake mix out the pantry. I began whipping up some delicious blueberry pancakes.

"Mama don't forget I have cheer practice today after school. Oh and my spelling bee is today. Are you going to come?" Miracle asked while putting her hair into a bun.

"Of course. I wouldn't miss it for the world." I kissed the side of her face.

Miracle jumped on top of the counter and peeled open a banana. I flipped a pancake over and saw Queen coming down the steps with her phone glued to her hands.

"Mo do you know what today is?" Queen asked opening the fridge.

"It's Friday." I responded.

"Also game day. I have a basketball game tonight. It's the playoffs and I really want you to be there." Queen explained.

"Okay Q. I will be there."

I have a cheerleader and a basketball player. My schedule is always busy with practices and games. Being the super mom I am I still manage to find a way to support my babies.

Well they aren't babies anymore sadly. Queen is eighteen and graduates high school in three weeks. Miracle on the other hand is twelve and a sixth grader. Time really flys by and you don't even realize it.

"Mama! The pancakes are burning!" Miracle simi yelled warning me.

I snapped out my daze and flipped them over.

"Ewww, you know what? I'll stop by McDonald's on the way to school." Queen grabbed her car keys.

"Right with you sister." Miracle jumped off the counter grabbing her book bag.

"Bye mama." They said on the way out the door.

"Bye girls. Have a good day! Love you!"

"Love you too." I watched as the two got into the black Dodge Charger I purchased for Queen two years ago. I'm so proud of the two of them. I raised them pretty good on my own.

After eating breakfast I began to get ready for a long day at work. I'm no longer Miss Monroe, I'm Professor Monroe. I work at the biggest college in Texas and the pay isn't that bad. It feels pretty damn good to be successful.

I got dressed in my teacher attire. A nude pencil skirt and a red button up shirt. I slipped on nude heels to top it off. I put my accessories on and applied light makeup to my brown skin. When I was finished I grabbed my keys along with my purse and headed outside to my truck.

As I got in my telephone rang loudly. I answered then pressed the phone to my ear.

"Monica Monroe speaking how may I help you?" I answered politely.

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