The Closer, The Better

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"Ha ha I won." Miracle said as she swam to the other side of the pool.

I smacked my lips. "I'm not a swimmer."

She giggled and started floating around. We decided to just chill out today. We went to the nail salon and got ice cream earlier this morning and now we were in the backyard swimming.

I heard the sound of the doorbell from inside the house.

"I'll be back." I grabbed a towel drying my hair.

"Okay." Miracle did a back flip into the pool causing water to get all over me.

I shook my head laughing as I opened the back door entering the house. They rung the door bell again.

"I'm coming." I yelled as I sped walked to the door. As I opened it I saw it was King.

"Oh hey."

"Hey." He looked me up and down licking his lips.

"Acting like you never seen me in a swim suit." I lifted his face back up so he could be looking at my eyes instead of my figure.

He chuckled. "My bad."

"What do you want?"

"Uhh I wanted to see if you wanted to go shopping with me? I'm having this Fourth of July party at my crib and I'm not to good with decorations."

"Why can't Rosetta help you?"

"She went to the mall with D and Morgan."

"Mmmm." I nodded.

"So is that a yes you'll help?"

"I guess so. Come on in. I'll go get ready." I invited him inside.

"This a nice house. You renting it?" King asked looking around.

"Nope. I bought it."

"With what money?" He asked.

"Nigga, MY money. I been out here making boss moves."

"Yea yea. I don't want to hear all that."

"I'm serious King. I actually did something with my life. What did you do? Nothing but hustle." 

"Aye at least I got the bills paid and took care of you and the girls."

"Yea... that was until you got locked up."

"Mane go get ready."

I laughed to myself and smirked knowing that I got my point across.

It took me close to three hours to get ready. Even though we were only going shopping I still was dressed to perfection.

I came down the steps and saw Miracle and King sitting on the couch.

"I'm ready guys."

"You took forever damn." King got off the couch.

"I did not. Stop exaggerating."

"You know how I know?"


"A nigga went to sleep and had a dream."

I busted out laughing and so did he. We walked outside to his vehicle and got in.

As he began driving we started to have a conversation.

"What we really happened to Queen?"

"I told you already."

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