Pretty Little Liar

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"This has been a great year teaching all of you. I wish you all the best in life." I finished off my speech into the mic. As I walked off stage the entire stadium cheered.

I was at the college graduation watching as the young adults went and received their diploma.

"Great speech." Professor Brown's aggy ass commented.

"Thank you." I said and put my eyes back on the stage.

"What are you doing after this?" He asked.

"Minding my own business. That's what you should be doing as well."

He chuckled sticking his hands in his pocket. "Any plans for this summer?"

I sighed loudly annoyed that he was still in my presence. "I have a couple vacations planned."

"Where to?"

"Some place far from here." I answered looking down at my watch. It was three in the afternoon. The ceremony was wrapping up. At the end everyone was hugging and saying goodbye. I took this time to make my way to my truck and head home. It was finally summer and that means no more waking up early. I could sleep in and rest.

I tossed my purse into the backseat and climbed into the driver's seat. I placed my seat belt on and started the engine.

"Hello summer." I smirked and placed my shades over my eyes. As I was pulling out the parking lot I got a call from Miracle.

"Yea baby girl."

"Ma where are you? Cheer practice ended thirty minutes ago."

"I'm on my way. Calm down."

"Hurry. This summer weather isn't for me."

I laughed and hung up. Then realized I had an incoming call from Morgan.

"Hey Morg." I answered.

"Hey hun. How are you today?"


"Great..." she trailed off. "Okay don't be mad-"

"I already am and you haven't even said anything."

"Mo!" Morgan screamed.

I sighed. "What is it?"

"Well I purchased my plane ticket to fly to Texas next week, and Dori bought one too."

I damn near slammed on my breaks when she said that.

"Don't you dare bring her to Queen's graduation nor to my damn house."

"Mo she's change. She wants to be there for Queen."

"I don't give a damn. She isn't invited."

"Why can't you just forgive her?"

"When did she even apologize?"

"Why can't you ever apologize? You can never admit you're wrong on some things. Its time for you to stop being petty."

I pulled up in front of Miracle's school. She was sitting on the side walk. I blew my horn which grabbed her attention.

"Morgan I'm not about to go back and forth with you. I'm thirty-six years old and I can make my own decisions. And one of my decisions was to keep Dorian out of my life. I'm sticking to it." I hung up the phone. I forced a smile on my face as Miracle got into the front seat.

"Hey my baby." I kissed her cheek.

"Hey mama." She placed her seat belt on.

"Sooo how was your day?"

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