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"The world doesn't always have to be so black and white, you know? Just because you grew up with someone telling you that it is doesn't mean you have to believe them. It's your life, Harry. You should live it the way you want to live it, not how everyone else wants you to."

Or the one where Niall likes flower crowns and Harry's just going through a phase.


Warnings: I hate myself tbh, Harry's very angsty in this story at times but he's also funny (like shiver funny y'all), Niall's very in touch with his gay side, probably gonna have smut, gonna say some bad words in this story (No surprise there cause I like to say the word fuck), that's all I can think of right now I'm sure I'll add more the more I write.


Just kill me now. I've had this idea stuck in my head all day and it was just begging me to write it so here we are and now I gotta go through my works list and get rid of some stories cause I'm exceeding thirty stories in total which totes stresses me out  (I'm weird...)

Title is inspired by the band Cute Is What We Aim For lol. They're the reason for the idea because I've been listening to them nonstop all day.




Connie xx

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