twelve: that's what locks are for

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twelve:  that's what locks are for

"What the fuck?!" Liam practically screams, followed by another scream that clearly belonged to Niall. I had been in the kitchen, making something for breakfast and I had completely forgotten to tell Niall that Liam and I shared a bathroom, but I figured he'd be smart and lock the door... but it appeared he hadn't. Liam comes walking into the kitchen, his cheeks red and his eyes wide. He looks at a loss for words, opening and closing his mouth as he looks at me. 

"Good morning, Liam." I said, going back to making pancakes. 

"Why is... Why is there a very naked Niall in my bathroom? You were supposed to take him to his house, not mine." Liam manages to get out, sitting down at the kitchen island. 

"He was pretty out of it last night, I figured it would just be easier to take him here instead of trying to find his house on my own. I told him he could take a shower, I just forgot to mention the fact that you don't like to knock to him." 

"In my defense, I knew you were in the kitchen and he should've locked the door." Liam says, earning a laugh from me. Niall walks into the kitchen right as I finished up the pancakes, his cheeks just as red as Liam's had been and he couldn't even bring himself to look at Liam. 

"Hungry?" I asked, trying to diffuse the situation. Niall clears his throat before shaking his head. Liam was already digging into the pancakes I had placed on the counter, piling about three onto his plate before reaching for the syrup. 

"No... I uh... I should get going actually. I'm supposed to work in a few hours..." Niall says, awkwardly scratching the back of his head. It was then that I noticed he was wearing one of my sweaters which I remembered giving him but I didn't think he'd actually wear it... He looked better in it than I ever did, so I had no intentions of asking for it back. 

"Well you should eat something before you go, it's just rude to sleep in someone's bed and skip out on breakfast." I said, completely ignoring the way Liam quirks an eyebrow. 

"I'm still fighting my hangover and honestly I think if I eat something, I'm gonna hurl all over the place and I really don't want to do that." Niall says and I couldn't help but feel a little disappointed but I wasn't about to show that. 

"Okay, do you uh need... Do you need a ride home?" I ended up asking, frowning a little when Niall shakes his head. 

"No, Zayn should be here any second to give me a ride. Thanks again though for letting me stay here." Niall says, giving me a tight smile that doesn't reach his eyes. 

"It wasn't a problem..." I chose to say instead of dwelling on the fact that Niall was in such a rush to leave. Niall looks like he wants to say more, but the sound of a car honking outside interrupts him before he gets the chance to. Instead he just gives a quick wave and leaves. 

"That was weird." Liam says the second the front door shuts and all I could do was let out a sigh. It was just typical it seemed, I had finally decided that I liked Niall as more than a friend and he's already hightailing it the other direction.  

It wasn't like I had any intention of acting on my feelings, I was still getting over my last relationship... but there was a part of me that still wished Niall would feel the same way. 

The sound of Liam clearing his throat brings me back to earth and he's looking at me expectantly like he'd asked me a question or something. 

"Sorry... I was uh..." I started but I couldn't come up with a good reason as to why I hadn't been listening. 

"Daydreaming about your boyfriend, I understand." Liam says and I hated how close to the truth he was right about then. I wasn't going to tell Liam he was right, he would never let me live it down. 

"What'd you need, Liam?" I asked, changing the subject. 

"I was just wondering if you'd be on board with throwing a Halloween party?" Liam asks again, earning nothing more than a shrug from me. 

"It's your house, mate." 

"I'll take that as a yes then. You can invite your boyfriend." Liam says, standing up from his seat and taking his plate over to the sink. 

"He's not my boyfriend." I said out of pure instinct, but deep down I wished that wasn't the case. 

"Harry, we've been friends for about five years and not once have you let me sleep in your bed with you, no matter how drunk I was or how drunk you were for that matter. So if you're gonna pull this whole thing where you say you don't have even the smallest bit of a crush on Niall, I'm going to smack some sense into you." Liam says, giving me a look that was almost appeared to be challenging me to disagree with him. I don't say anything though, deciding that it was better to just let Liam be Liam and think what he wanted to think. 

There was no way in hell I wasn't going to tell him he was right, so instead I change the subject. 

"I'm on board with a party, it's been a while since I last went to one let alone actually threw one. So this'll be fun." I said, even though my mind was once again on Niall and how pretty he looked in my sweater. 

God, I was in deep. 


annnnnnnnnnnd that's chapter twelve

party on my dudes. 

i'm once again neglecting my other stories to update this one, i cry 

dedication goes to sweetcreaturenarry




connie xx 

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