three: an empty tank

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three: an empty tank

We all sat in complete silence as Zayn looked over my bike. Niall was sitting up on Zayn's toolbox, kicking his legs back and forth and I... Well I stood about as far away from Zayn as I could because I was more than positive he hated my guts, which didn't make any sense to me because he literally just met me. I wasn't going to let that get to me though, he was fixing my bike and I could use about as much help as I could get. I didn't know anyone in this town besides Liam and maybe if Zayn got to know me we could be friends... Niall seemed to like me, or at least he kept shooting me reassuring smiles every time I so much as glanced in his general direction. 

"So Harry, quick question, do you know what this is right here?" Zayn asks after about five minutes of silence, looking at me with an expressionless face and motioning for me to come over. I hoisted myself up off the wall that I'd been leaning against and slowly moved over to him, a confused expression on my face when he points to the fuel gauge. 

"It's the fuel gauge." I said, not really getting where he was going with this. Zayn lets out a soft chuckle, shaking his head a little before moving a little closer to the bike. 

"Exactly, now tell me where that needle is pointing." Zayn says, still pointing at the fuel gauge and well... Now I felt a little stupid. The little orange needle was sitting over the E which of course only meant one thing... 

"It's on empty..." I admitted, silently chastising myself over how dumb of a thing this was. I hated to admit this wasn't the first time this had happened.... but there was no way in hell I would tell anyone that.

"So now do you see what your problem is?" Zayn asks and I could actually see a smile playing on his lips. 

"I need to put gas in..." I said, scratching the back of my head and Zayn lets out a soft laugh before nodding.

"Lucky for you, I've got some on hand. Next time though, just fill up your bike. It'll stop you from wasting my time." Zayn says, but his voice is holding a lighter tone than it had earlier. He walks away from Niall and I to go grab the gas and I couldn't help giving him a sheepish grin. 

"So uh... I guess that's kinda awkward. Should've known it was just out of gas..." I say awkwardly, once again scratching at the back of my head as Niall lets out a laugh that echoes through the garage. My heart jumps a little at the sound and all I could think was how badly I wanted to hear it again. That thought threw me off slightly and I was quick to pretend like it had never even crossed my mind. 

"It happens to the best of us, I suppose. At least it wasn't something too serious." Niall says and I find myself nodding in agreement. It could've been worse, but that didn't make the situation any less embarrassing. What idiot forgets to put gas in their bike? 

Oh that's right, me.

"This should get you by for now." Zayn says, coming back into view with a gas can. He was kind enough to put the gas in for me and when I asked how much I owed him, he simply waved his hand and said "free of charge, but don't expect me to be so nice next time," to which I couldn't help but raise an eyebrow as I hadn't been aware Zayn was being nice to begin with. Once the gas was in the bike, I turned over the engine only to turn it back off when I was satisfied that everything sounded alright. 

"So, you still want that ride?" I asked Niall, earning a scoff from Zayn who rolls his eyes but he doesn't say anything. Niall gives Zayn a look at that and the dark haired boy holds up his hand in defense before he walks back off, probably to wash up or something was what I was assuming. 

"Zayn's actually gonna give me a lift... He lives just right next to me, but thanks for the offer." Niall says and I didn't understand why I felt so disappointed at that. I shrugged it off like it was no big deal though, once again going back to pretending like I didn't have some weird connection to this Niall kid. How could I? I had just met him and he'd just met me. 

"Maybe next time then." I say, smiling tightly and Niall returns it with a bright smile of his own before nodding. 

"Totally." Next thing I know, Niall's grabbing one of the paper towels that sat on Zayn's toolbox and a marker. I watch him skeptically as he writes down what appears to be a phone number before he passes it over to me.

"This is my number if you ever wanna hang out or something...  It was nice meeting you, Prince Harry." Niall says, waving a little as I reach for my helmet. 

"It was nice meeting you too, Princess." I found myself saying, instantly regretting it. I didn't give people nicknames, then again I didn't let people give me nicknames either but for whatever reason I didn't mind it when Niall called me Prince... 

And he didn't seem to mind the fact that I called him Princess. 


and there's chapter three, woopity doo. 

so in the first two chapters I said that Niall's family owned a diner but I changed it to a grocery store... not that it really matters cause it's only chapter three and it's only been mentioned like twice tbh.... so yeah. 

dedication goes to LauraLizzyLoop




connie xx 

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