chapter 8

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Hannahs POV:

when i untangled myself from niall i decided to check my phone. why did i have so many mentions...? i never get any mentions. i mean i get a few from people asking me to tell liam to follow them, but thats usally it. people were being so cruel, but then there were some people who were sating that niall and i make a couple. what, how did they know. it just became official about 12 freaking hours ago...then i saw that they were all tweeting a picture. my jaw must have hit the ground when i saw the picture. it was of me...and Niall....asleep....together.....all over the internet. HOW DID THIS HAPPEN?

"NIALL WAKE UP!" i screamed in his ear.

"oh god! what?! whats wrong?!" he sounded very confused.

"LOOK AT THIS." i showed him the picture. he rubbed his eyes a few times to make sure he wasnt just seeing things. then the shock set in.

"how did this happen...? who took that?"

just then my phone rang. it was kayla

"look darling im kind of in the middle of something. so i need to call you b-"

"I ACCIDENTLY TWEETED A PICTURE OF YOU AND NIALL SLEEPING TOGTHER" she cut me off. it took a minute to realise what she had just said to me. and why was she crying?!

"okay it was an accident kayla. why are you crying?!"

"MY LIFE IS OVER HANNAH!" i really hate when people use that expression. some people dont know how lucky they are.

"kayla, you know i hate when you say that." i said very sternly.

"i know. but it is. i just i cant even..." she trailed off into silent sobs.

"where are you?"

"im at mine."

"okay im on my way."

i explained to Niall that i had to leave, he gave me a hug and decided to put the twitter rumours to rest.

Nialls POV:

So it was kayla that tweeted that picture, how the hell do you accedently tweet a picture of two people sleeping?

in the end i decided it would be best to say that the picture was photo shopped, and that it wasn't me. i dont know if anyone will actually beleive it. but i sure hope they do. We were headed to some radios all over the UK today. so we were going to have a busy schedual today. i walked back to my flat. when i got back all i could think about was how me and hannah were now officially dating. i know about her ex, and i dont wanna rush her into anything, so i think we're going to have to take it very very slow from this point out. i showerd, got dressed and made a quick breakfast. we were all meeting up at lou and harrys place before leaving. i was prepared for the innapropriate jokes and such when i walked through the door.

"hey nialler." liam ruffled my hair...has he not been on twitter lately...?

"sooooo, i assume things went very well last night niall???" harry gave me a cheeky smile followed by a wink.

"nothing happend harry. im not like you, i dont sleep with anything that has a pulse." i said getting very defensive.

"watch it niall, i was just joking around. and i dont do that."

"yeah anymore." Zayn muttered under his breath

"what was that?" harry was getting mad now

"oh my god, everybody shut up and get in the damn van." louis was a bit hungover, and hes not to nice when hes recovering.

we all decided that if i was asked about what happend on twitter in any of the interviews we would stick with the "its photoshopped" story. this is going to be a lot of question dodging. especially if they know that kayla was the source of this photo.

Hannahs POV:

i walked into kaylas. i heard her crying when i walked through the door. i went into her room, she wasnt there. so i walked into her bathroom and she was crying on the floor with her knees tucked up to her chin. i sat down next to her and pulled her into a hug.

"whats wrong? is this about the picture? im not mad. it was an ac-"

"NO. it isnt about that. this is serious hannah." she managed to say between sobs.


"i-, hannah, i-i'm pregnant." she started crying even harder.

my eyes must have bulged out of my head. PREGNANT??? how could they be so irresponsable?!

"kayla, are you sure?"

"YES IM SURE. i took a test. and then another, and another."

i dont know how i missed the several tests that were on her sink.

"have you told harry yet?" i was still in shock. i couldn't imagine what she was feeling.

"no, your the only one who knows. can we please keep it that way?"

"but, you have to tell him!"

"hannah! i have been keeping your secret for three years! Please, please keep this one." she did have a point there.

"yeah okay, our little secret. but your telling him eventually."

she nodded in agreement and pulled herself off the floor.

"hannah, are you okay? you look pale."

"im fine. are you okay?" i did feel slightly dizzy. the room started spinning very fast, i had a falling sensation. i felt myself hit the ground. then everything went black.

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