chapter 11

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Hannahs POV:

kayla was curled up in a blanket on my couch. i had finally gotten her to calm down. i know i dont know harry that well, but i know how much he cares about kayla. im almost certain he will come back and apologize to her. i decided to make her some hot tea. i walked over and sat on the floor in front of her. we were flipping through the channels on the tv when i heard the door open. i assumed it was danielle or liam. but it was harry. i saw that his eyes were red and puffy and he was sniffling. i got up and went out on the balcony to give them some privacy. i saw harry walk over to her and hold her tight. i pulled out my phone and called niall.

"ello der!" his excited irish voice yelled.

"hey, what are you up to?"

"chilling in my flat. wanna join me?" he had a cheeky tone.

"weeeeellll i suppose i can make time for you." i joked.

i walked back in and smiled at the happyish couple curled up on the couch talking about their feelings. which no offense...i didnt care to listen to. i went downstairs into my room and put on some shorts and an oversized sweater, i grabbed my purse and my light pink vans and walked out the door.

Nialls POV:

i heard a knock on the door and opened to see a stunning hannah standing out in the hall. she looked up at me and smiled. she looked better, her dark circles on her eyes were almost gone. and she had some color back in her face. she still looked tired. so i decided we should stay in and relax. i dont want her to over do it.

"hello." she said as she stood on her tip toes and gave me a quick kiss on the lips.

i playfully picked her up and layed her down on the couch.

"one kiss wasnt enough?" she asked jokingly

" about one more" i gave her a wink and closed the space between our lips.

we made out for about five minutes then i decided to pull away (which was quite difficult.) and i pulled her into my chest and we cuddled on the couch.

"so are you feelilng better?" i asked hoping she would tell me what was going on with her.

"yeah a bit. just a little tired is all." she gave me what looked like a genuine smile, but it also looked a little forced.

i kissed her on her forhead and she closed her eyes. about twenty minutes later i heard soft snores coming from her. then her phone rang and she jolted awake.

Hannahs POV:

i guess i had fallen asleep. i heard my phone ring and shot up. it scared the hell out of me!!! i looked at the screen, it was kayla. i know shes my best friend but i was so happy and content at the moment. i wanted to answer her call, but i ignored it and got a confused look from niall.

"i dont feel like dealing with her problems. there are other people she can call, and besides im busy." i said with a smirk and niall smiled back at me and started playing with my hair.

"are you hungry?" niall asked


"wanna go get something to eat?"

"sure. where?"

"i dont know, cafe'?"

"sounds like a plan."

i pulled myslef up from the couch and niall didnt feel like moving. so i had to help him up, which was a tad difficult. we finally walked out the door and started down the street.

we arrived at a little corner cafe' and took a seat outside. niall was a little on edge.

"everything okay...?" i asked, i was a little concerned.

"uhm...well, theres paparazzi that follow me everywhere. and they can be a bit harsh and brutal. so just try your hardest to ignore them when they show up." he sounded worried

"i think i can handle a few people with cameras." right as those words left my mouth a group of about twenty girls and some men with huge cameras that probably cost more than my car, started running towards niall and i.

"er, we have to go." niall said trying to remain calm.

we stood up and he grabbed my hand and we started quickly walking down the street in the opposite direction. i was in no condition to be running but it was that or get mobbed. they were getting closer and there were even more girls than before.

"do you think you can run?" niall said hastly.


we started sprinting to the complex and ran in the doors. mine was on the first floor and i didnt feel like running up steps.

Kaylas POV:

why wasnt hannah answering my calls?! as soon as i muttered those words to myself her and niall busted through the door and collapsed on the floor. they were out of breath and sweaty.

"Oh my god! are you okay?" i rushed over to them.

"yep all good." hannah said between breaths.

niall just gave a head nod. it was obvious he was he was trying to act like he wasnt out of breath. i couldnt help but laugh at him. hannah did as well. i helped them up and they explained what happend.

"so you didnt answer my calls..." i said as hannah walked out to the balcony

she pulled out a ciggerette and i know she only does that when something is bothering her.

"sorry, i was busy." she said quicker than usual. "so how did it go?"

"well we talked, and we decided that we're going through with it."

she was looking in her purse and then pulled out a lighter "well thats good." she blew the smoke in my direction knowing i gag at the smell. and then gave me a sly smirk.

"you're gonna die if you keep doing that." i said before i realized the words that had come out of my mouth

"wow, thanks for telling me. but this isn't my biggest issue at hand, ya know?" she sounded angry

"hannah, whats wrong. please talk to me."

she sighed and i saw a tear roll down her cheek. and she wiped it away as fast as it had appeared.......

DUN DUN DUN. cliff hanger

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