Tribe Lore

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Hiccup's Mind

'What was that!?!?' I thought to myself

"Hiccup, do you have any idea what that could've been?" Astrid asks, worry in her eyes

"No Astrid. I wish I did though" I told her

It took us a few minutes to reach Berk, even though our dragons were flying the fastest they've ever flown

We landed in the center of town, trying to spot my dad

We couldn't see him anywhere, so we put our dragons in their respective stalls and searched for him

I glanced over at Astrid, seeing if she was ok

She still had a worried look about her

"There you two are," I heard a voice

It was Fishlegs

He was playing 'catch the sheep' with Meatlug. Her favorite game

"Um, why do you say that, Fishlegs?"

"Cause you guys were gone for an entire day and half" he answers

Astrid and I looked at each other, both of us a little bit red

'Surely it wasn't that long, was it?' I wonder

Fishlegs' Mind

I noticed the look they gave each other, and they were blushing non-the-less

'Something's up with these two. It's on the tip of my tongue..... WHAT IS IT????' I think to myself

This so going to drive me insane

"Hey babe! Where you been?" I head Snotlout

Oh great. Here come doofus

Snotlout's Mind

Astrid is finally back

Don't tell me she's spent the last day and a half with that fish-bone

I'll work my magic

"So Astrid, I've been thi-"

And she hits me in the gut, making me double over

"No Snotlout, I don't want to go out with you or do anything romantic with you. How many times do I have to tell you?" She says

I just stayed on the ground

I'm pretty sure that's the hardest she's ever hit me....

Oh my stomach....

Hiccup's Mind

'He had it coming' I thought

We waited for him to finally get up, but he never did

"I think you knocked him out this time" I said

"Well, he doesn't know what no mean, so maybe this will help" she giggles and smiles at me

We left Snotlout there on the ground. He' ll come around in a couple minutes

"'We still need to find my dad" I say to Astrid

"That's right, about the stone thing in the forest" she replies. "Is that him over by the forge talking to Gobber?" she asks me

"Well, considering he's nearly the only one who wears a big bear-skin cape, I'd say yes" I chuckled

That made me recieve a hit from the oh so loving Astrid

"I shoulda seen that one coming" I say

"Yes, you should've" she smiled

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