Xbox! really?

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The economies were collapsing and eating all small scale businesses like termite, every business were developing techniques to stop their business to evaporate and from being bankrupt. Small scale businesses were joining for survivals and joining firms to form a big unit.

Our business was however not small scale but the effects of the collapsing of the economies were big enough to gather all the board members and directors and owners together to take cautionary steps to minimize loss, as less as they can.

So all the big companies, despite being rivals, have joined together to discuss the matters at hand and hopefully minimize the loss.

The meeting was taking place in few hours and I was here, mopping over my loss and heart break. I felt so torn and betrayed.

I can believe he was playing with my emotions but what I cannot believe is, he had to drag an innocent and his own child in his fiasco. I just can’t look upon that fact.

I am so heartbroken to do anything but I know I have to move on and live, for my baby. I have cut off from socialization for quite a while and I cannot ignore the people that love me. I cannot abandon my baby.

I love him too much to do it.

But there will always be a little part of me that will be a effected by the loss, effected in a way that I could not protect my baby from the game his father played. I just can’t even think about it, without being broken into tears.

My baby is my band aid, the glue that will join my heart, the medicine for my pain.

His smile is my escape for distress; his laugh is tape that will join my heart’s broken parts. He is my life, my soul, my everything and I love him. I love him and I know he loves me back.


“Kat you have to let me explain.”  Was the first voice mail I heard when I switched my cell on.

Almost all the messages were from Xavier and few from Maggie and dad.

Dad was obviously informing about the problems we are facing and complaining about sitting in the meeting area and being bored.

Sometimes I wonder who the kid is. Alex or dad?

Maggie; well she was being her new pregnant self, first telling me how happy she is to have me, and the next second cursing me for being a stuck up mother.

Geesh! Bipolar much.

And then the endless messages and voicemails I got from Xavier, telling me that I am jumping into conclusions and being my own self rather than giving him a chance to explain and hearing him out.

Am I really that hard headed?

I mean he was the one that caused me pain and practically played with my baby’s life for his own personal advantage.

He was just being ridicules now.

“MA” Alex chirped from the floor while jiggling bunch of keys in his chubby hand. He was so pumped to go outside, his happiness was radiating all around my apartment, eventually bringing life to my so depressing apartment.

“you are too cute fro your own good.” I said happily and picked up a griddy Alex and placed him on my hip.

He was dressed in my favorite peach T-shirt that had mustache printed on it and black 3/4ths that were tight on knees and bagged out on their way above and paired with white vans.

He defiantly had swag.

I on the other hand was looking as formal as a 20 year could look, with pencil straight skirt, that stopped few inches above my knees, and a peach colored sleeveless top tucked in, paired with a black coat and peach heals.

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