CHARMED: Aftershock

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Chapter 1: Billie's POV

       "Powers Of The Witches Rise. Course Unseen Across The Skies. Come To Us Who Call You Near. Come To Us And Settle Here." Billie chanted as she began to put rosemary, cypress, and a yarrow root into the Halliwell sister's mortar and then drew a knife and ran it down her finger and let a little bit of blood drip into it and and continued chanting "Blood To Blood, I summon Thee. Blood To Blood Return To Me.". She waited for something to happen and struggled to hold back a sob as the painful silence crept into her mind. She broke it, turning the pages of the Book Of Shadows for another spell to resurrect Christy. She could still remember that moment so vividly as if it were happening right now.

      "I don't understand. How could this happen?" Christy said after Piper had blown up her (demon) friend, Dumain.

     "Billie projected us here." Phoebe said

     "By focusing on you." Paige continued. Christy shifted her expression of sheer rage towards Billie.

     "How could you?" Christy whispered angrily at her with tears in her eyes.

     "Christy please. It's over. Just come home." Billie whimpered to Christy hoping Christy would drop this resentment she had toward the Charmed Ones for her sister. Unfortunately, that wasn't her plan. Christy breathed angrily and a fire ball formed in front of her and she launched it at Billie. Without thinking, Billie used her telekinesis to send the fire ball back at Christy and incinerated her. This was an act of self-defense. She never wanted to kill her sister who she had worked tirelessly to find after being kidnapped by demons for 15 years. Billie pulled herself out of the flashback and comforted herself with the fact that she'll bring Christy back. 

     "Billie? Are you up here?" Billie looked up and saw Phoebe standing in the doorway. She made her way over to the table where Billie was. "It's two-o-clock in the morning, what are you doing?" Phoebe looked down at the mortar and recognized the spell Billie had cast. "You're still trying to save Christy?" she said gently.

     "Yeah, I know I've tried and you guys tried but I just, had to try again." Billie said in a raspy voice. She was tired from all the spell casting and thinking and crying. She ran her hands through her blonde hair forgetting her right index finger was still bleeding. Phoebe took her hand in hers and blotted the blood with a towel.

     "Billie, I'm so sorry about what you're going through. But you can't waste the rest of your life trying to bring back your dead sister."

     "Waste?" Billie said defensively.

     "You know I didn't mean it like that."  Phoebe took the clean side of the towel and tried to soak up the blood from Billie's hair. Billie just sat there with her face in her hands. How long had it been? Six. Maybe seven months since Christy died. Billie had lost track a while ago. This is where she's been, night and day. 

     "She'd been raised by the Triad. There was nothing you could've done to save her in those last few minutes." Phoebe said comfortingly. Billie's head shot straight up. 

     "Minutes! That's it!" she said. "I can project myself into the past, remember? So why can't I go back to save Christy, and me of course." she smiled as she saw a glimmer of hope that no other spell had brought her yet. Billie got up and sat cross legged on the floor, which she hated doing. She closed her eyes and focused on Christy. "Christy" she whispered. "Christy, Christy" she opened her eyes. She was still in the attic of the Halliwell manor. Phoebe standing over her with pitty. "Why didn't it work?"

     "Because it's not meant to. She was meant to die there." Phoebe quietly said

     "Well I saved her before, when the manor blew up!" Billie yelled angrily. Phoebe wasn't phased by her rage. Instead, she walked over to Billie and put her arms around her.

     "I know it hurts to lose a sister. It's scary. But you have to let her go. Magic can't save Christy." Phoebe said. There was silence for a while "It couldn't save Prue." 

     "It's different Phoebe." Billie said as she shook her head, trying to keep the memories from flooding back in.

     "How?" Phoebe asked. Billie looked up at her slowly and said

     "Because a demon didn't kill my sister. I did." 


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