Chapter Three

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Alex looked around the Hub in awe. She saw computers, lab equipment, a bunch of science stuff and weapons that she has never seen or heard of before. Jack smiled, for he was glad to see her happy again.

"Welcome to Torchwood. This is Tosh and Owen," he said as he pointed to each of them. "You already met Ianto and Gwen."

Alex gave a soft smile to everyone, then started to walk up a set of stairs. Jack followed behind her. She came to a landing then entered a room with a open door.

"This room is my office," he said.

She looked around at all of the artifacts in the office, "Its a very lovely office."

Alex sat down in his office chair, she looked at him lost for words. Then directed her attention to the floor and bit her lip. She took two deep breathes then looked back at Jack.

"I have some news and I feel its something you should know," she told him.

Jack turned, closed his office door and looked at Alex. She opened her mouth but no words came out, she was scared about his reaction. Jack saw the tears coming out of the corner of her eyes.

"Shh, its ok. You don't have to tell me ," he said.

Alex shook her head slightly, more tears filling up in her eyes. "I'm dying."

Jack backed away from her, his eyes filled with shock. He wasn't really sure what to say so he let Alex explain.

"When I couldn't find you in London, I thought that maybe you wen back to the 51st century, our century. As I was looking for you I came across a merchant."

She took a long pause before continuing, for she knew the rest of this story would hurt him more than it hurt her.

"I was foolish then, not really sure how my life was gonna go. So i purchased liquid life from him."

Jack shook his head angry and frustaration filled his face.

"No, No ALEX YOU DIDN'T!!" he shouted loud enough that the team downstairs all directed their attention towards Jack's office.

Alex looked down in shame because Jack knew exactly how Liquid Life worked.

Liquid life must be consumed once during every full moon.The bottle refills itself at midnight of the full moon. Its supposed to keep the consumer looking young forever. But since its such a rare mix of ingredients, if you skip a full moon you and the bottle will turn to dust at midnight of the next full moon.

Alex wept "I'm sorry, Jack." She wiped her tears "I should have never came here."

She got up , walked out of his office and back down the stairs. Jack ran after her and tried to grab her arm but she was walking to fast, Before he knew it she walked out of the hub.

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