Chapter 4

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When I wake up, a bright light shines through my grey, cotton curtains. You can hear the birds chirping right outside my window and I can already tell that today will be a better day than yesterday.

Since I'm never going to see Harry ever again, I have convinced myself to stop worrying and thinking about him. He's gone, just like my mom said and now I can focus on my relationship with Brody. It's for the best. Besides, it's my moms job to know what's happening with him. Not mine.

I am feeling much better today, than I did yesterday. More relaxed and calm. Yesterday was hectic and I'm glad I can put it in the past and won't have to worry about it again. What was I thinking? Harry and I? That even sounds ridiculous!

I'm supposed to be meeting Brody at the park today. He has this whole picnic thing planned out. Yay! I'm excited! I haven't seen him in just over 2 months and I'm starting to miss him. I used to see him almost everyday and now it's like 4 times a month, if I'm lucky. I guess it's just hard with him living at his University that's 40 minutes away from where I live. Even though it's Summer, he has a good-paying job on campus so he only comes home on weekends... If that.

His house is 10 minutes away from mine, but he hasn't been home for a while now. I'm not sure why, but I won't bother asking. He's back and everything's fine.

Just as I'm about to get up, my mom walks through the door to my bedroom. She has really good timing, it's starting to get freaky.

"Oh good you're up", my mom beams. I just yawn and smile at her. I don't know how she's that enthusiastic in the morning... I'm not a morning person. But really, who is?

"So, your dad and I are going to leave in an hour for the airport. Before we go do you want to go out for lunch with us? You can take your car and just drive home and we will go straight to the airport"

"Mom, today's the day I'm meeting Brody at the park, remember?" I smile and shake my head at her horrible memory.

"I know, but you've already missed it, so why not spend some time with us? We're leaving today and won't be back for 4 weeks!" Wait what? Missed it? I look at the clock resting on my bedside table. In bright red lights, it reads 2:38pm. What 2:38pm?!

"Mom, you let me sleep in?" I shout. "I was supposed to be there for 1:00".

"You looked tired, you needed a good rest! Yesterday was exhausting, even for me. And I've had some really bad cases at work before."

"Mom, I can't believe you just... ughh!" I can't even form words. "Just because it was hard for you, doesn't give you the right to control my plans with my boy friend that I haven't seen in months!" By the time I finish my rant, I'm completely out of breath.

I know I probably shouldn't be mad at her when she was just thinking of me, but my actions are way ahead of my mind.

I push past my mom and run into the bathroom to turn on the shower. While I'm waiting for the cold water to heat up, I go to my closet and choose an outfit. Its supposed to be really hot out, so I end up choosing this :

After my shower, I get dressed, brush my teeth and hair and go down stairs. Crap, I forgot to call Brody! I run back upstairs and by the time I've reached my bedroom door, I'm out of breath. Again. I really need to get in shape! I always make New Years resolutions about running more, but by the 3rd week I've completely given up.

I grab my phone and start dialing his number. I have again a lot of missed calls and texts from him. I hope he's not mad.

"Becca, where the heck are you!?" And he sounds mad.

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