Chapter 5

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  I am woken up to the smell of food. It smells amazing! I hurry up and rush downstairs not caring that I'm still in my Pj's and probably look like a mess.

  "FOOD! Yummy!" I yell in a crazy person voice while walking into the kitchen

  "Wow, you are definitely just showed why you are Lou's sister and the perfect match for Niall." Zayn mumbled while eating his food

  "Aww thanks Zayniee!" I say while pinching his cheeks causing everyone in the room to laugh

  After I ate my large breakfast, I realized I haven't seen Niall yet this morning. Today is March 17 our 1 year anniversary, so I wanted to see him at least a little bit today

 "Hey boys. Where's Niall? I haven't seen him yet this morning?" I say trying not to sound disappointed

  "Umm, I saw him early this morning but all he said was he had to go do something important." Liam told me while putting his dishes away

 "Oh okay. Thanks Liam." I say walking out of the kitchen to go back in my room and get dressed for the day.

  Hmm, I think to myself while looking through my closet. I have no idea what to wear, so I close my eyes and the first thing I land on is what I will wear today. When I open them they look right at a light blue summer dress that goes to my knees and has little white flowers on it. Good enough.


  Its been a few hours and Niall still hasn't gotten back yet. I know I'm just freaking out for no reason but I can't help it. I guess I was so into my thoughts that I didn't hear the front door open because Liam had to shake me out of my thoughts since were all watching movies in the living room while waiting for Niall to get back.

  "Umm hello?" Liam said while running his hand in front my face, trying to bring me back to reality

  "Huh. What? Sorry I was just..." I stopped in the middle of my sentence because standing in front of me was Niall. He was holding a dozen red roses and a big teddy bear with a t-shirt on it that said I love Naylor on it. Naylor was the fans ship name for me and Niall. I thought it was cute and I love that Niall put that on the bear.

  "Niall! This is soo sweet! Thank You!" I told him while running up to him cause all I wanted was a big Horan hug  

  "Anything for you princess. Happy Anniversary!" Niall said with a big smile across his face

  I couldn't help it anymore and I don't care if all the other boys are watching us. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him in for a kiss. He immediately started kissing me back and his arms found there way to my lower back to keep us steady. We probably would have kept going if someone wouldn't have interrupted us.

  "Umm sorry to mess you guys up but the rest of us are still in the room." Harry said awkwardly

  Niall and I just pulled away laughing before walking over to the couch, so we can cuddle and finish watching the movie.

  "I have to say that seeing my little sister and one of my best mates make-out is one of the most disturbing things I've ever seen." Lou said while making gagging noises

  "Oh shut it Louis! We have all seen you make-out with Eleanor." I said while laughing

  "Fine, but remember Niall you might be my best mate but if you hurt my sister you will never see daylight again."  he said making an evil laugh after

  "I will remember that. But you have nothing to worry about cause I could never hurt her." Niall said in a confident voice then turning to me to kiss the top of my head

  "See there is nothing to worry about Lou. Oh hey by the way how is Eleanor?" I asked Lou cause I really did miss that crazy girl

  "She is really good. I don't think she is busy today, you should text her and you two go have a girl day." He tells me and I think that is a great idea, because when you spend most of your time with 5 messy boys you really do need girl time.

  I quickly run upstairs and grab my phone so I can text Eleanor.

  To EllieBug

  Hey Babes! Want to have a girl day today? I love these boys but I need girl time:) xx

   I went back downstairs while waiting for El to text me back. I ran to the living room and threw myself on Niall's lap while giggling at myself cause I have a lot of energy for some reason. A few minutes have passed of all of us just watching tv when my phone buzzed.

  From EllieBug

 Hey Boo! Of course we can go out today. I need to get you away from those boys before you turn into one:) Be there in 15min xx

 "Woahh! I'm going out with El today!!" I say while jumping up and bouncing on the couch and getting weird looks from the boys

  "Looks like someone is happy." Zayn says while laughing at me

  "Yess I am! I haven't seen her in a long time. I'm going get dressed! Bye boys." I told them while running up the stairs to get ready.

 I already have my short light blue summer dress on so I decide to pair them up with tan wedges and a few bracelets. After I do that I make my way to the bathroom and plug in my straightener then take my make-up out. My long brown hair takes a while to straighten so when I finally finish that I already heard the doorbell and voices downstairs so I knew El was already here. I hurried up and put a little foundation, eyeliner, mascara, and lip gloss on so I can look presentable out in public. I took one last look in the mirror and I was a happy with what I saw, so I grabbed my purse and threw my phone along with my wallet in there before I went downstairs.

  "Eleanor!!" I shout as soon as I see the pretty brown head in the living room

   "Taylor!" She screams while running to me and giving me a huge hug

     "Are you ready?" El askes me

   "Yupp. Lets go girl!" I tell her while walking over to Niall and giving him a kiss goodbye

   "See you later babe. Love you!" he tells me after I give him a peck on the lips

    "Bye love you too." I tell him while me an El are walking to the door

    "Byyee Boyyss!!" El and I yell right before we walk out the door and head to the car

    "Where to first? Mall or Hair Saloon?" El askes me has we hop into her car

    "Mall." I tell her as I buckle myself in and then turn up the music loud.

  As we are driving on the road El and I are singing at the top of our lungs to whatever comes on. I have to admit today will be very fun.

AUTHORS NOTE: Okay so I only had up to chapter 5 written before I posted anything. So its going to be at least a few days till I post again. Plus I wont have internet for a few days too so it will give me time to write. Hopefully by the time I can post again I will have more reads and comments. Love you guys!

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