Chapter 38

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Chapter 38

Taylor's POV:

  Its been almost a week since the doctors diagnosed me with brain tumor. Since then they have tried to explain to me everything about this type of cancer. They told me it can come from lots of stress and just bad luck by getting  cursed with this bad disease called cancer. My doctor started me on chemo treatment two days ago, but so far I show no signs of improvement and if it stays like this then they will have to do surgery to remove the tumor.

  I hate being stuck in this hospital. All I want is to be there for Peyton and Paige and I can't do that from a hospital bed. I can tell they don't understand what's wrong with their mummy, but they do know that I am sick and need a lot of rest so they have to stay with Emily.

  Emily has been freaking out ever since I told her. She wants me to call Louis, but I told her we can't do that. He would freak out and leave tour to come here and I won't let him do that, plus he would need an excuse to leave since nobody knows about him being in touch with me and I doubt he has one. I feel really bad for Emily though, because I feel like I am just throwing all this work on her to help me with the kids and she shouldn't have to do this even if she says she doesn't mind.

  "Mummy!" I hear two voices yell and the running of two little feet coming to my room

  "Hey my loves!." I say smiling at my kids when they come bursting into the room and jumping up on my bed to lay with me like they do everyday

  "Why don't you tell mummy what you did at daycare today." Emily tells them while she pulls up a chair

  "We got to paint this big picture with everyone!" Peyton explained with a huge smile on my face while Paige lifted her hands up wide to show me how big it was

  "That sounds like so much fun!" I reply happily to them before they climb off the bed to go play with a few toys they keep in the corner of this room for when they come

 "How are you feeling today?" Emily asks coming sit closer to me

 "I'm okay." I lie to her hoping she wouldn't push it, but if I know anything about Emily then I know she will.

 "Don't you even think about lying to me Tay. Now tell me the truth." She says stern, but you could hear the worry clear in her voice

 "Your right Em. I am anything but okay right now. I feel terrible all the time and to top it off I feel like I am abandoning my kids, because I am stuck here in the hospital. They are giving me two more weeks of treatment and if that still doesn't work then we have to do surgery and I only have about seventy percent chance of surviving that." I rant out to her and let the tears fall freely

  "Listen to me. You are not abandoning Peyton and Paige so don't even think like that. I don't mind looking after them and you need to be focused on getting better right now anyway. I don't want you thinking about that surgery either, because even if you do have it you will be okay no matter what." She says while looking me into the eyes trying to get me to believe what she is telling me

  "I can't thank you enough Emily, but after the way I have been feeling its hard to believe I will get better." I sigh and look towards my babies who are happily playing with each other, while oblivious to the bad things going on around them

  "You don't need to thank me. I would do anything for you and those kids. Now I know you don;t want to hear this, but I really think you should call Louis, Eleanor, and your Mum." She says warily since she knows I don't like this topic

  "I told you before that I don't want them getting involved in all my drama. Louis can't leave tour to come hear and look after me, Eleanor is busy with work and University at the moment, and my Mum has her hands filled with my younger siblings. I don't want them worrying about me when there is better things they could be doing." I explain to her for like the fifth time in the last few days

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