Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

Taylors POV:


  Ughh whatever that noise is it needs to shut up right now, I thought to myself as I curl further inside the covers of my bed not wanting to get up from the warmth. It is probably really early and I NEVER get up early.


  "Ahh I am going to kill whoever is calling me right now!!" I said out loud to myself

   Right when I sit up and grab my phone seeing that it is Louis who is calling me at 8:30 in the morning. I get the familiar feeling of my stomach turning, so I completely forget about my phone and run to the bathroom. I was kneeling in front of the toilet as I just finished empting everything in my stomach when everything that happened yesterday came back to me. I look down at my still small stomach and put my hand over it before breaking down into tears again. I can't believe I'm pregnant. What in the hell am I going to do?! I thought to myself as I continued to let out loud sobs on the bathroom floor. There is just so much going through my head right now and I can't stop the tears or my body from shaking like crazy.

  I hear loud thumps from the hallway and it sounds like someone running up the stairs. Before I can question it too much El burst threw the bathroom door and looks down at me on the floor. Worry is all you can see on her face as she sits down on the floor next to me and pulls me into her arms.

  "Shh Taylor.. Look at me" She says while trying to hold me tighter so I will stop shaking and after a few minutes I am finally able to lift my head up and look at her.

 "Listen to me. You need to calm down because this isn't good for the baby. " El told me softly but also making sure to be stern so I understand

  I know what she is telling me is true but I can't seem to stop the constant flow of tears or the now light shaking still coming from me. I just feel completely helpless right now and I have no idea what to do or even where to begin. It took about another 10 minutes before I had calmed down completely and El was able to get me up off the bathroom floor.

  "Wash up and get dressed then come meet me downstairs for breakfast. We have a lot to do today." El tells me before heading out of the bathroom

  "Wait what? I didn't think we were doing anything today." I try to tell her before she walks out of the room

  "Well you obviously need a girls day so that's what we are doing. Plus I am going to try and get you a doctors appointment because whether you like it or not we need to check on the baby." She tells me while walking out of the room not giving me a chance to complain about anything

  I walk over to my closet and pull out a pair of dark skinny jeans an a old Beatles tshirt. I don't want to get all dressed up so at least this will be comfy. Once I headed back to the bathroom and took a quick shower to wash my hair, I got out and got dressed. I threw my long wet brown hair into a messy bun that I hope makes it wavy when I take it down later. After that all I do is add foundation, mascara, and brush my teeth before heading downstairs to see El already dressed and ready to go.

  "There you go. You look better already." She tells me with a big smile on her face obviously trying to cheer me up 

  "Thanks El. You ready to go?" I ask her while I walk to the kitchen to grab a banana and a muffin to eat on the way

  "Yes. I called your doctor and he said we can go in at 10:15 so we are going there first cause its already 10:00." She explains to me as we both grab our purse and keys

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