Chapter 41

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Chapter 41

 Taylor's POV:

  It's been about three days since the boys showed up and the truth came out about everything. Things are going both good and bad as of right now. The good news is the twins are doing great and the love having three more Uncles around to spoil them rotten, along with having their dad around for the first time to do the same thing. Every time the come see me I get an earful of stories from both of them about all the things they have been doing with everyone.

  Now the bad news is my treatment still isn't working and I am just getting worse. I can see it on everyone's faces when they walk into my hospital room that they are scared of what might happen to me, and the truth is I am too. I always have at least one of the boys or Emily staying with me in case something happens, but the doctors are starting to cut back on my visiting hours since I need lots of rest.

  "Hello love! How are you feeling today?" Liam asks walking into my room with a slight smile on his face

  "I'm alright. I just weak an tired." I croak out with my sore throat

  "All of us wish you would get better. It hurts to see you like this everyday and know there is nothing we can do about it." He sighs sitting down on the chair next to my bed

  "I know. I wish I could sit here and tell you that I will be perfectly fine and you don't need to worry about me, but I honestly think if I told you that I would be lying because I'm starting to think I won't make it." I whisper to him knowing he will be the best one to talk to about this

 "Don't you dare say that! You can't give up now. Think about Peyton and Paige or even Niall and Louis, they all need you so much along with the rest of us." He states frantically raising his voice a little bit

  "I'm not going to give up Li trust me, but I have something I need to ask you." I tell him warily

  "Okay. You can tell me anything." He replies softly

  "If I don't make it through this... I have letters written for everyone and I need you to give them out. When you know for sure that I am gone look in the desk thing in here by my hospital bed and they all should be right there." I explain to him carefully making sure he got it all

  "I can do that, but please Taylor you are like a little sister to me so you have to pull through it all." He admits to me giving me a little smile which I gladly return before laying back down for a little while to take a nap, but sadly my nap never came.

 I got an itch in my throat and naturally started coughing a little bit, but before I knew it I couldn't stop coughing. Everything hurt so much and can hear Liam yelling for help and begging me to be okay, but  couldn't focus on anything or reply. All I could do was cough and gasp for breath over and over again as my lungs screamed to get air into them.

  "It spread to her lungs! WE'RE LOOSING HER!" I heard one doctor yell as I kept gasping for some kind of air to reach my lungs

  "We have to get into surgery! NOW!" I heard another voice yell, but by that point my whole body felt like it was on fire and even then I kept thinking about what Liam told me. About how I need to be there for my babies, Niall, Louis, and everyone else, and that's what kept me going in till eventually everything went black.


Niall's POV:

    Everything has been crazy since we got here a few days ago. I think it has finally sunk in that I actually have two kids in this world, and I love them more than anything. I don't like the fact that I missed out on almost four years of their lives, but I am trying to make up for it now by doing lots of things with them to get to know them well.

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