SC#1: Harder, Deeper

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Special Chapter 1: This contains sexual scenes and too much swearing so read at your own risk. Sorry for typos, I don't have the guts to reread this.

"You know what? Just tell him your problem." Yoona said as she start looking at the clothing brochure, flipping pages on casual wear "Oh! I want this, this will look good on Sehun!"

Jessica rolled her eyes "You already said that for the nth time today, of course that'll look good on Sehun because he's your husband."

Yoona grins "well, you're right." She said nodding "but seriously, you need to tell Kris about that."

"But isn't too embarrassing?" She asked unsure

Yoona gave her a judgemental look "What?" She asked in disbelief "you have the shame to be embarrassed when you already spread your legs apart in front of him?"

Jessica blushes throwing a pillow on Yoona's face "How dare you tell me that, Yoona!"

"Just do it!" Yoona whined "stop acting like a bitch there."

"How?" She asked exasperated "He's always busy, when he went home from work, he will just greet me, kiss me and that's it! He will sleep after."

"Oh~ poor you, baby~" Yoona coos teasing "Sehun have a lot of time for me, I mean, every night." She said and laughed darkly

Jessica look at her judging her whole existence. "Disgusting!"

"At least I get laid, how about you?" Yoona teases

"I hate you so much, Oh Yoona!" Jessica exclaimed like she's about to cry

"Well, just tell him that." Yoona deadpan "tell him you want to make love with him because you want to have a child already and you're so horny—"

"Shut up!" Jessica as she throw another pillow on Yoona's face "you're embarrassing me!"

"What the fuck, Jessica!" Yoona exclaimed "why did you throw that on my face?!"

"You dumb, you're always embarrassing me!"

"I'm just giving suggestions." Yoona shrugged as she look at the brochure again. Flipping on the underwear section "Oh, couple underwear! This will look good on us."

"Why bother buying couple underwear when you will just remove it when you'll make love."

"Well, you have a point." Yoona said chuckling "and you know what? I have an idea!"

Jessica rolled her eyes "And what is it?"

"Seduce him!" She exclaimed "I mean do something he won't resist."

Jessica listens "How?"

"Uhm, just do something that will arouse him and I'm sure he won't do anything but to fuck you."

"Your words Yoona!" Jessica exclaimed "you're too young for those kinds of words."

Yoona smiles "Sorry," she shrugs "so, can we start the plan?"

Jessica thinks for a while before nodding. Yoona grins widely and she gestured Jessica closer to her, Jessica did.

"Do this, tonight.."

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