Chapter 6

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Jessica's POV

I'm inside Yifan's office waiting for him to arrive. I can't still believe what happened yesterday, I can't believe that he loves me too.

I stood up and looked at the glass wall of his office where you can see the city view. I heaved a sigh and tighten my hug on the clipboard I'm holding.

I can't stop thinking about us.. what will happen to us? I don't even know if he really love me or he's just playing around. I don't know what to do.. I closed my eyes trying not to think about anything.

After few seconds, I feel large arms encircled around my waist. I abruptly open my eyes and flinch a bit.

And there, I saw his reflection on the glass, smiling at me. "Good morning, gorgeous." He whispered and kissed my head "Miss me?"

So everything that he said yesterday was real?

The thought makes me smile. I turned and face him, I placed my arms on top of his shoulders. "Good morning, Mr. Wu." I greeted back "Did you sleep well?"

He pouted "No." He answered

I frowned "Why is that?"

"I'm thinking about you the whole night. You don't have any mercy! You didn't let me sleep." He dramatically said making me blush "You take the responsibility."

I can feel the wild butterflies inside my tummy and I can also feel my face heat up "h-how?"

He pouted "Kiss me."

I chuckled "Pabo!"

"C'mon babe, just one!" He whined making more blush because of the endearment he use.

"Fine. Close your eyes." I said and he did whilst grinning.

I gave him a peck and before I could pull out, he grabbed my waist nearer and claim my lips once again.

I kissed him back. I can feel my lipstick staining his lips too. Adorable. I feel like he's mine.

He guided me on his table. He grabs my butt making me moan, he placed me on top of his table and without breaking the kiss, he slowly settled between my legs for more acces of my mouth.

My fingers are trailing along his hair. We continue kissing when we heard a knock "Hon!! Are you there, I'm going in!" We heard someone said from outside

Kris' eyes widen as he put me down and fix his messy hair and slightly crumpled polo.

And on my part, I moved at the edge of the room and try to fix my dress too. Soon, the door swung open revealing a very pretty lady.

She's smiling really wide making her more look attractive. I fell conscious about my appearance so I ducked my head down and looked at my feet.

"Sulli?" Kris asked, surprised "What are you doing here?"

Sulli went near him and kissed him straight on the lips making my heart broke into million of pieces.

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