4. "Welcome to the family"

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You sat on the bed in shock as the guy who had introduced himself as Jin gave you some tea to calm down.

The scene of Jimin shooting those guys wouldn't get out of your head.
It had been the first time seeing so much blood being spilled right in front of you.

They had brought you with them to their dorm with a blindfold to not know where they lived.

The guys were standing around the bed and were in the middle of a heated discussion.

"Jimin what the hell?? I told you to stay back unless I tell you to go, I could have taken them down", Namjoom hissed at Jimin whose head was hanging down.

"I'm sorry, I though the building was blocking your shot, I just wanted to help out", he muttered.

Namjoon snorted: "Don't lie. Why did you get involved?"

Jimin looked at you from the corner of his eye.
"I got pissed at them for wanting to touch Y/N, I wanted to take care of them myself."

"Well this isn't how our teamwork is supposed to be. You can't just run off and do as you please", Namjoon scolded him.
"Y/N has seen too much now, we can't just let it slide."

You watched them arguing. As much as you wanted to thank them for saving you, you were afraid to interrupt them.
What were they going to do with you? Were they going to kill you because you knew who they were?

However, for some reason, you didn't feel that scared of them.

"Let's all just calm down", Jin spoke, hushing the others.

He must have been that "Jin-hyung" they always talked about. He seemed to be the oldest.

"Well, what should we do with her now?", Yoongi asked coldly, making you shrug.

He seemed really different and colder than in school.
You kind of felt betrayed by their second identities.
It was this feeling of actually not knowing them at all.

"Can we keep her?", Hoseok giggled.

"I agree", Jimin exclaimed.

Namjoon sighed, looking around the room nervously.

"Let's have a vote then", Jin suggested.
"Everyone in favor of Y/N joining?"

Jimin, Hoseok and Jin raised their hands, leaving Namjoon and Yoongi unsatisfied.

"Fine. But she's not my responsibility", Yoongi muttered.

Namjoon smiled weakly: "You always get what you want in the end Jimin."

You finally managed to join the conversation: "W-wait, don't I get a say in this?"

They looked at you.

"Not really. But if you want to be locked up or killed, that's fine too", Yoongi said sarcastically.

Jimin gave you an expectant look. In a way, you didn't feel uneasy about the fact they were assassins at all. It actually made you excited for joining too.
These guys seemed like they had exciting lives and a purpose.

"Y/N, it's really important to not tell anyone about this. It could cost all of us our lives", Namjoon said in a serious tone.
He was making direct eye contact, assuring you that he was serious about this.

You nodded. "I know."

"See? She's totally cut out for this", Jimin broke the seriousness.

Namjoon gave him an angry look, shutting him up.

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