15. Begin

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(before Jimin's death)

"Hey", you greeted Taehyung as he appeared through the classroom door.
Ever since he had joined Bangtan, he started coming to school again for a change.

You were happy that he felt well joining the group, especially because you were the one who had initiated it.

"Hi", he greeted back with a smile as he sat down.

Jungkook's head went up like a puppie's as soon as Taehyung hat taken his seat.

"Hyung can I have lunch with you today??", he hopefully beamed.
So he had finally gathered the courage to ask...

Taehyung gave you a helpless look, knowing that nealy all members of Bangtan were eating together in lunch break. Jungkook wasn't part of the team and he wasn't allowed to find out of course.

"Sure", you answered for him. "You can eat with us."

Jungkook smiled widely and went back to his own desk, seeming satisfied.

"Really?", Taehyung asked.

"It's fine, the others won't mind."

Taehyung shrugged. He liked Jungkook, but he could sometimes be a little too clingy. Especially after Taehyung returned to school after many absences and Jungkook saw him as his only friend.


Later at lunch, Jungkook was hopping behind you until you arrived at your usual table.
The others in school seemed to know that this table belonged to your group and didn't dare to sit down ever since they got beaten up - apparently by Yoongi and Jimin.

"Who's this?", Jimin asked as soon as you had taken your seat next to him, giving him a kiss.

"Jeon Jungkook, same class as us", Taehyung introduced.

Jungkook's eyes grew bigger as he saw all the older students gathered at the table.
He gave a deep 90-degree bow and said: "Nice to meet you!"

The others chuckled a little, probably seeing similarities to when you had first met them.

"No need to bow kid, sit down", Jimin joked.
He probably enjoyed being older than someone for once.

Namjoon looked at you with an eyebrow raise, probably wanting to say: "Another one?"

You had just gotten Taehyung in the group and it seemed as if Jungkook was the next victim. That wasn't your intention at all, though.
You didn't know Jungkook that well since he was always so shy in class. Besides, you couldn't know whether he had assassin skills or not.

"What are your hobbies?", Namjoon began interrogating.
You were in the need of new members and fresh faces so someone like Jungkook seemed like a good idea. He looked physically capable and muscular, so Namjoon saw his chance.

"Uh, I like doing sports", Jungkook smiled shyly.

Namjoon nodded.
"And your family? What do they do?"

It looked like he had hit a nerve there as Jungkook's expression seemed dead for a second.
"They... uh... They're away a lot, so I live alone."

The rest of the table was talking in groups.

You and Jimin had a conversation about a history teacher at your school, Hoseok was trying to talk to Yoongi who seemed really unmotivated and Taehyung was listening into Jungkook's and Namjoon's conversation.

It seemed as if Namjoon was really pleased with Jungkook's personality and didn't hesitate to speak to you about it after Jungkook had gone to the toilet.
"He seems to be cut out for it, at least physically. But he's very young..."

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