Childish Games - Two

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-Chapter Two-

If he were being honest, equipment checks weren't particularly exciting. But if he was being really honest, equipment checks were a pile of steaming horse shit. Although it was easy, and all you had to do was look at the key parts that were on your checklist, ticking off the ones that worked correctly and repairing those that didn't, after about an hour Jean wanted to put a bullet through his foot. So when an equipment check took over three hours to complete, you could only stay out of his way and hope to god that you didn't annoy or agitate him at all. Marco, however, didn't seem bothered by his complaints and groans of 'just kill me' or 'feed me to the titans, it'll be less painful' but instead laughed quietly to himself which in turn made Jean smile and perk up just a little. Equipment checks; shit. Equipment checks with Marco; only borderline shit.

'Jean, you're never going to achieve anything with that attitude.' Marco said, his chin on Jean's shoulder and a coy smile on his face.

'You sound like my mother, Jees.' He replied, turning to face the boy and completely ignoring how close they were right now; what they would look like to others would be very interesting indeed though. Boyfriends? Star crossed lovers? Simply very close friends? Whichever they thought, he wouldn't be offended by. He'd decided that he certainly wouldn't mind people thinking he and Marco were sleeping together, the taller male was definitely a looker and such a genuinely nice guy that he was sure nobody would mind if people thought they were with him.

'Well, little boys should listen to their mothers.' Marco retorted, the same expression on his face as they were literally an inch apart, maybe even less. Jean raised an eyebrow and chuckled a little, facing forwards for a second before turning back again.

'My mother doesn't tend to hover around like she's about to kiss me.' He murmured, but only so that other people wouldn't hear them. Sure, he didn't mind people thinking they were an item, but he wasn't sure if Marco had the same opinion. The taller boy rolled his eyes and scoffed a little.

'You're so full of yourself.' He said, although it was half-hearted and obviously not meant as an insult.

'Honey, in a world like this at least I have myself to love me.' Jean retorted, although after he said it he realised just how depressing it sounded, so he shook his head and just waved it off as a half-assed excuse. What happened next caught him completely off guard; Marco wrapped his arms around his waist and pulled him back in an almost suffocating grip as he lifted him off the ground. 'Hey!' He complained, but Marco just ignored him and kept hold.

'You're such a ninny.' He chuckled, letting him down after a few minutes and by now half the people around were staring at them with some fond smiles but also some rather sad ones.

'What was that for?' Jean muttered, flattening out his shirt again and readjusting the suspenders over his shoulders so they sat more comfortably.

'You were talking like you were the only person here, so I thought I'd remind you that you weren't.' Marco smiled, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

'Fine, but let's get on with this, right?' He said, trying not to show his faint blush at how Marco was behaving towards him, which became increasingly difficult when the boy in question planted a kiss on his cheek, sauntering off to do some more equipment checks before Jean could even say anything. People were definitely staring, and Jean definitely didn't care.

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