Chapter 8

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Reaching for the aspirin and water on the side table, I groaned. My head felt like it had been blended and my throat. One too many shots of absinthe I think.

"I'm not as young as I used to be." I moaned.

As I turned over I could see Jake staring at me, his eyes burning into my soul.

"Get up!" He yelled as I put my finger to my lips to shush him.

"Please." I gasped "my head."

"Yeah, yeah. You brought it on yourself. Now to the important stuff: where did Ash go? Did he go with a girl?" A mocking grin appeared.

"Nah, he wouldn't do that to Eve." I clapped my hand to my mouth. "I mean, no I don't think so, I didn't see him leave with one. Infancy I didn't see him after I went back to my drinking."

"Hold up a sec. Eve and Ash?" His voice rose in a mocking yet understandable tone.

"I don't really know, I think Ash made a move though. Thats why she went early- ish!"

"He's probably upset that he's lost his touch, still I'm worried. Get that aspirin down you and help me."

Jinxx's POV

The crunch crunch of toast sounded from the makeshift kitchen. Mhmmmm toast. I walked in wearing my black jeans but nothing else. CC was there eating and humming, sounding cheerful. Jake was making more toast.

The toast popped up from the toaster so I quickly grabbed it. "Yes! it's mine, all mine!" I sneered.

"It was for you anyway..." Jake now had a look on his face that was calling me an idiot.

I smiled sarcastically and went to the sofa.

CC joined me, hyper as he was, he did brighten my day. "What's up CC?"

"Ah, you know. In a new place, new people. Fans to meet. The whole everything about this magical world."

Jake sat next to me and whispered: "He's not high, unless you count taking aspirin!"

I did ones of those eye roles, which CC noticed. He was about to open his mouth when Ash burst through the door.

"Ash! Oh how I've missed you, they've been torturing me." Cried CC as he bear hugged Ash.

"Ashley, CC said that you made a move on Eve. Is that why you disappeared?" Jake asked.

"Ah good going mate, was it good?!" I interjected.

"However, if you let me finish you may understand that you are wrong Jinxx, Ash loves Eve. Even though he hardly knows her!" Jake reminded me of my mother, he kept everyone together and tried to look after us all. He can even be as patronising as my own!

"I don't love her, I just didn't feel well. I also didn't make a move, it was the opposite of that." he sat with his head in his hands "I stalled, said the wrong thing, she asked why I saved her. My answer was shitty and not what she wanted."

"Ash, I didn't-"

"I know, it's for the best. I can't keep a relationship, I can't stop myself from hurting her and I sure as hell wouldn't be able to live with myself if I Hurt her. the sooner we're back in LA, the better."

Before we could say anything, he walked away.

Eve's POV

Walking down a street, I feel the drip drip of rain. I'm not afraid anymore, if some attacks and hurts me, let them. I just hurt myself more. I can't believe I thought Ashley liked me. I feel stupid, if anything were to happen it would be one night. In the morning he would be gone.

I feel stupid and want to drink my worries away, what good will that do? None. So I carry on walking down this lonely path with not a soul to see and share things with.

I cannot see the end, but still I go on. If I give up, I will never get anywhere, and will stay stuck. God I wish there was someone else here, on this lonely path.

Of course this path is purely metaphorical, the path of destiny or some shit like that. Really I'm sat at home with Rose, Suzumi is out with Jake and Jinxx... nice of her to ditch me for them.

Rose can tell from the sour look on my face that I'm thinking of them, or rather, of him. His chocolate brown eyes and sun kissed skin.

She passes me a cup of tea, Earl Grey to be specific, which I lovingly sip from. I love Earl Grey so much, it will be the only love in my life.

My phone bleeps. I see its from Ashley.

Ashley: Hey, I wondered how you are? In answer to why I saved you, I saved you because...

Me: because?

Ashley: I'd prefer to tell you in person... come to your window.

I slide my phone into my pocket.

Looking out the window I see Ashley standing there, phone in hand.

Again my phone goes off, this time it's a call.

"What do you want Ashley?" I ask. My voice wavered a bit so I hope he didn't notice.

"Can I come in?" his American accent sounds through the speaker.

"No" I choke out.

"Open the window then." he instructed.

Reluctantly I opened the window. I wanted to hear what he had to say, but at the same time, I didn't. I stare down at him.

"Eve, I er... the reason I saved you is because I felt compelled to help another human"

That's what I thought, it wasn't because he loved me.

"However I didn't take you to the police station, I took you to the bus. I got Andy to take you home because I didn't want to develop feelings. I'd seen you unconscious and had already fallen in love with you..."

I shut the window and ran to the door. I opened it and walked down the three front stairs. there he was on the pavement.

"Eve I contacted you because I liked you... Now, I don't know what this is that I feel and I know it's only been a few days, but..."

I ran into him cutting him off. I looked into those warm kind eyes, as he lent down to kiss me.


So, thoughts?! I improvised big time. I think this is the best chapter so far.



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