Chapter 29

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Eve's POV 

Confusion. Bewilderment. And shock is what I'm feeling looking into the gorgeous chocolate eyes. I suddenly don't feel anything but this overwhelming sense of joy rising inside that Ashley was here and not Austin. 

I reached up to his neck and pulled him into a kiss, forgetting about the people around us, forgetting about Austin, forgetting everything. It was just Ashley and I.

"What was that for?" he smirked as we finished kissing.

I had no explanation, no reason but my love for this amazing man that I decided I wanted to be with. I shrugged: "Do I need a reason to kiss the man I love?"

Without another word being said he leaned down to kiss me again, pulling me closer by wrapping his arm around my waist. I wanted to stay like this forever, but the concert ended, so we had to leave.

He led me away from my past, arm around my waist, towards our future.

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