Chapter 1

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“Move? Are you serious, Cheryl? I’m not going! How could I even consider moving after what has just happened?” I shrieked.

“Oh Hazel, please just think about it. It would be good for you to meet new friends and leave this place behind”.

“You can’t tell me what to do”, I hissed at her “You're not even my real mother! Both of my parents are dead!”.

As soon as I said it, I regretted it but I couldn't apologise to her, not right now. I couldn’t listen to her anymore. I had to go. I ran upstairs and threw on my running clothes. Running was the only way I could clear my mind. I felt free and it gave me time to think by myself. Moving wasn’t something I had thought about after my father died but now that I was, it made sense. I needed to get away from all these awful memories and I suppose moving was the first step forward. I knew it’d be Australia. Cheryl had family there and she always told me how one day she’d bring me to visit them and I guess that day would be very soon. I barely spent time at home anymore because I couldn’t stand that place. Everything reminded me of him. The bathroom, where I had found him lying dead one Saturday morning just after breakfast. I never understood why he died of a heart attack, I don't think anyone did. It was so strange, him not being here, not waking me up every morning to go to school but what could I do. Locking myself in my room and shutting the world out wouldn’t make things any better so I knew that moving would benefit me.

I got back home just in time for dinner and Cheryl asked me once again about moving. I said I had thought about it on my run and decided it was a good idea. She seemed relieved that I was deciding to move on and said that she would call Carol straight away. Carol was her sister who lived in Australia, where she was originally from. I'd never met Carol herself or her family, I'd only seen pictures and I knew she had a son around the same age as me. She never really spoke about them, I think she knew it made me uncomfortable. Cheryl had been my step mother for pretty much my whole life. My own mother, Rachel died when I was born so I never knew her, the only thing I had was pictures.

I finished my dinner and let Cheryl go call her sister while I had shower. I spent half an hour in the shower just thinking about life in general, as any person does. I thought about the life I would be leaving behind here, not that it was much of a life anyway. I wouldn't miss it at all. I had one friend, Alexis who I would be leaving behind but I knew she wouldn't care. We had one of those relationships where I saw her as a best friend and she just saw me as one of her many friends. I never did have many friends and I mostly sat in my room reading or drawing. Cheryl didn't mind. I suppose any parent would rather see their child sitting in on the weekends rather than them out partying. I knew that the rest of my family would be supportive of our decision because they knew how hard it was for us. I turned off the water and stepped out into the cold air, wondering when my last day here would be.

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