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Today, we look at the memes that make us go;
"Yup, that's my mother."

Also we look at the memes that make us all go; "Me as a parent."

My mom is either one of these for the whole day. Sometimes it's a blessing, sometimes it's a curse.

Reason 69 why I do not drive.  I take my mother's opinions with much consideration.

According to this she wants the money back that she spent on you.

Except your own mother.

If you don't get her anything on Mother's Day, make sure to sleep with one eye open.

My angle really motivates me to do my best daily.

Most likely me as a "mature and inspirational" parent.

And so, with these memes, I wish evey mother, no matter what you are a mother of, a Happy Mother's Day!

Make sure whatever you care for, appreciates you and what you do!

Memes of the Century Where stories live. Discover now