How to Gain Followers

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So you want followers? Well it isn't going to happen overnight. If you want people to follow you, here is how it happens... 

Be part of the community. That's really it. If you put out work regularly and are part of the community, you'll get followers. Not good enough? Alright, here's another list.

1) Release your content regularly - Being regular is a sure fire way to get reads. If you know you can only release once every two weeks, release a new chapter once every two weeks. If you can manage once a week, do it once a week.

2) Participate in the community - Answer questions in the 'improve your writing' thread, read other people's books, and star and comment insightfully. Ask questions. As someone who comes along reading and critiquing people's stories without being previously asked, it can go a long way to establishing watty friends. However, if you want the dirty truth of it, read stuff from "unfound" wattpad authors. If you're reading works from someone with 1000 followers, chances are your one comment is barely going be noticed. Find someone who only has 5 followers and they might be more inclined to appreciate the support. Also check for how recently they last updated. If their book hasn't been updated in over a year, there is little point in reading a half finished book from a most likely AWOL author.

3) Follow people - Some people have a policy of following whoever follows them. They treat it more like having friends on facebook. Not saying it's right, just saying it is...

4) Write popular content - It doesn't have to be your primary work, but if you really want followers, write something that is popular on here. One direction, romances, werewolf, vampire... these things get noticed. I write some vampire fiction which has probably netted me most of my followers. To some, it shows a lack of integrity. To them, I'll say this. I'm not making money off this content. It's not like I can't enjoy writing something different. We're all here to get better at writing, so whether it's Fan Fiction, Science Fiction, or romance, if you enjoy writing it and people enjoy reading it... you shouldn't feel bad about catering to your audiences. Now if this is the story your trying to publish... you might want to write what you want. Even then, listening and acknowledging your fans can be the best ways to learn.

5) Trade for Followers - A way you are probably aware I am not okay with. You offer critiquing or editing, demanding a follow in return. Now I can understand someone expecting a dedication if they edit. However, people who demand you follow them, critique their work, and heavily imply you give them a star as well, and then give you a half arsed critique only after you've done those things... Bull. Can you even imagine? These people put out an ad, act like they want to critique, only to demand more payment from you than they are willing to offer in return!

6) Critique or Edit people's work - How is this different from above? It's different because you aren't asking for payment. Well then how do I get followers if I'm not asking for them? You get followers because some people are nice and will follow you. If they ask for what payment you want, just tell them you would appreciate if they checked out your work. Boom. Done. Now you can totally play waitress all you want, and guess which people will throw you a follow back and which wont and adjust the quality of your critique accordingly... that's on you, but offer your services freely or tell them for what they are, a critique for a critique. 

So the last piece of advice is being proactive. It'll be months before you start getting any decent amount of followers. You can also get them in bursts suddenly get 20 followers in a day... or you can get no followers for weeks. When you add new content, what you do in the community, all these things factor in. Keep it up and eventually you'll get noticed.

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