Dee - Part 4

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"Hey Katie. It's Rilen."
"Hey Rilen. It's Katie :)"  I'm so glad I ran into this dude. I lay in my bed, makeup still on. "You wanna grab lunch somewhere?" He texted.
"I can't :("
"Well why not?"
"I'm kinda under superstar status. I can't go out in public without people wanting to kill me, take pictures of me, or chasing me."
"Awh come on, I got you." He texted politely back. Why was I trusting a dude I just met last night? I shouldn't do this but there's no one here to hold me back. "Fine. I'll meet you at Starbucks in 20." I smiled and hopped up. I went to my closet and threw on a black hoodie that covered my hair and face. Taking a seat in Starbucks I look around for Rilen, "Hey." I jumped in surprise. "I'll get your Starbucks, what do you want?"
"Caramel Frap please." I blushed at the sound of his voice. He came back with our drinks and ushered that we go outside. "Well why don't you take your hoodie off so I can see that beautiful face of yours."
"I-I'm scared."
"Fine come on let me take you somewhere." He took my hand and led me into this school park, then slowly took my hoodie off my head. "That's the face I wanna see."
I smiled really big, he was so cute.
"So superstar what's your secret?"
"Yeah, come on I know this isn't really you."
"What are you talking about?
He started laughing, "I'm just playing with you."
"Yeah, I gotta go. I can't do this."
"Wait no. Don't go please." He frowned, "I didn't think it was that big of a deal. Unless you are hiding something.."
I just started running, ran as fast as I could. Your probably thinking.. way to be suspicious. I'm not letting some one I hardly know know who I am. Definitely not happening.


This was suppose to be a perfect date night. I was gonna be Katie and he was gonna be Rilen. Well Rilen thanks for screwing it up. "Katie." He texted.
"I'm sorry I ran off like that Rilen but there's a lot of stuff you don't know about me."
"It's okay. And I'm not worried about your secrets Katie. When I bumped into you I didn't think 'Hey she's gonna tell me all her secrets' I wanted to get to know you. I know how being a super star is Katie! Because I'm not really "Rilen" my real name is Julian."

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