Part 7

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My alarm clock woke me from my amazing dream. The one where I wasn't living this terrible life, the one where I didn't have to keep a secret identity. I jumped to my closet picking out the cutest thing possible. If I'm going to leave a last impression it's got to be great. As a matter of fact, I'm going as Katie.


Crowds were going crazy. This school needed something interesting, something they've never seen before. "Katie!! Katie!! Katie!!"
I don't know how I didn't enjoy this more than I actually do. I walked down the hall slowly hoping I would see Julian. There he was sitting against the lockers, his head laid in his hands. His head slowly rises as he looks at me.

"Katie?" I smiled and winked at him.
"Wait what are you doing here?"

"I figured I'd make a last impression. Since you'll never have to see me again today after this. Your life's better like that. You know, not knowing me. Never ever meeting me." The feeling came back into my chest and stomach like I've never felt before.

"What? Wait what are you talking about?"

"Bye Julian." I blew him a kiss walking into the auditorium.


"How does it feel?" My voice through the mic. "I'm singing a song for a special someone out there in the crowd. I didn't write this one but it really means a lot to me."

"With you. With you. I wish we had another time. I wish we another place. Now Romeo and Juliet, bet they never felt the way we felt. Bonnie and Clyde never had to hide like we do. You and I both know it can't work. It's all fun in games until someone gets hurt."

The crowd sung along with me, "I wish we had another time, I wish we another place. But everything we have is stuck in the moment and there's nothing my heart can do. Cause I'm still stuck in the moment with you."


Julian came up to me after the show. "Your leaving?"
I nodded and turnt to walk away. I felt hands run down my arm and grab my hand.
"Dee. Listen to me. I'm still stuck in the moment with you. I'm sorry about what happen. It won't ever happen again but I want to get to know you more."
"I'll see you at 7. I'm leaving soon, so we have until then." I smiled and released my hand out of his.

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