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+few days later+

i've just been told some of the worst news,by the person i love the most.

jungkook is going across the country for 3 months because he is going to be working with my dads business.

i won't see him for so long,and it hurts me so much.

"well yeah it's what you've got to do."i said while trying to cry over the phone.

"listen baby i'm so sorry,i'll be leaving tonight at 10 so if you want i can come over for a bit."he said with his raspy voice.

i checked the time.


"sure i'll see you in a bit then."i said a hung up.

i'm still mad that he is barely telling me this now,i mean what am i supposed to do without him?

what is he supposed to do without me!?

especially with his sexual needs.

oh dear god,his sexual needs.

i need to talk to him about him and other girls.

there is no fucking way he is going to fuck some other whores while he is away.

while i waited for jungkook to arrive,i put some ramen noodles into boiling water and waited for it to cook.

After a couple minutes i heard jungkook knocking on the door.

i unlocked the door and he walked in.

"hey beautiful."he said as he pecked me on my lips.

"hi"i replied softly.

"it smells good in here,are you making ramen?"he said while hanging up his coat locking the front door.

"yeah,want some?"i said while walking back towards the kitchen.

"yeah sure."

i got a 2 bowls and served the ramen.

"can you grab the hot sauce and lime?"i asked.

"already got them."he shouted from the dining room.

i took the two bowls of ramen and placed them on the table.

"eat up."i said as i sat down.

"what else can i eat up?"he smirked.

"well what's on your mind?"i asked with a seductive tone

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"well what's on your mind?"i asked with a seductive tone.

"well she's sitting right infront me of me."he winked.

"oh really?"

"you know,i'm going to be gone for a long time so we might aswell get rid of any sexual feelings right now."he suggested.

"very true,i don't want you getting sexual with any other girls while you're away."i said as i began eating my ramen.

"do you not trust me?"he chuckled

"it's not that,it's just you're one of the most horniest guy i've ever met."

"you're one of the most sexiest girls i've met."he said while finishing up his ramen.

"how am i sexy?"

"you just are,especially when you wear that bomb ass lingerie."he smirked.

"lingerie huh."i said while finishing up my ramen.

"what can i say,you know it drives me crazy seeing you wear lingerie."he said as he stood up and walked towards me.

"oh jungkook,and you know what drives me crazy?"i questioned.

he shook his head.

"when you fuck me roughly."i whispered in his ear.

"well then let's drive each other crazy right now"he said in a seductive tone.

lingerie; j.jkWhere stories live. Discover now