Chapter 1

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Y/n = Your name
L/n = Last name
E/c = Eye color
H/c = Hair color
H/l = Hair length
F/c = Favorite color
S/c = Soul color
Italics = Thinking/Flashbacks
Bold = Chara speaking
All caps = Shouting (For Papyrus its normal)
Underlined = Important
" = Speaking
Normal without the " = Actions/Narrations

It was unusually quiet in the L/n household. No screaming, no crying, no curses. Nothing. Zilch. Nada.

The window was open, creaking slightly in the autumn wind. You were about to escape from your parents control. Where would you go? You would figure that out later. For now you had to pack.

Silently you grabbed your f/c sweater with a heart where your actual heart would be. You slipped into your favorite pair of shoes, grabbed a few hair ties and a comb. You thought for a moment and walked into your closet and came back out with a first aid kit that was filled with bandaids, rubbing alcohol, bandages and tissues.

You let out a silent curse when you stubbed your toe on the bedside table. Outside of your room the light turned on. They were coming. You panicked and hastily threw your backpack over your shoulders. You gave it about 30 seconds until they came to give you your daily beating. You twisted a blanket and then another, and another. You had made a rope with the blankets. You tied it firmly around the foot of the bed. Thank gosh you had taken rock climbing lessons when you were younger. You tied the the rope around your waist and rushed over to the window.

10, 9, 8...

You carefully went out the window and planted one foot on the wall underneath the window. Then the other followed. You held on tightly to the rope and jumped, landing back on the wall.

7, 6, 5...

You made it down and landed on the soft grass.  On cue you heard the door to your room slam open. A confused chatter filled the room. You untied the rope and started to run. You looked back one last time. Your parents sneered at you from the window. You took your chances and gave them the one finger salute, also known as the middle finger. They cursed and left the room. You smiled to yourself and ran away from the hell that plagued you for 17 years.

{3 hours later}
You were exhausted. Your legs burned from walking nonstop for 3 hours. You collapsed at the top of Mount Ebbot. Of course you had heard the stories of the monsters that lived under the mountain. You being superstitious, believed that they exist. One of the reasons that your parents believed you were a demon child.
You slung your backpack of your shoulders and zipped it open. Inside was a half eaten apple, some crackers and a water bottle. You picked up the water bottle and drank most of its contents in one gulp. You put the water bottle back in the backpack and zipped it up. Shakily you stood up and pressed forwards. Every inch of your body wanted to rest but you kept on going. A rock fell underneath you and you realized you were in front of a giant and probably dangerous hole. You were right on the edge too.

Nice job y/n, you fucked up yet again.

The ground gave way underneath you and you fell hundreds of feet below the surface. You screamed as you fell deeper and deeper.
Well it's been fun now time to say bye bye.
For a brief moment you saw a bed of golden flowers just before you hit the ground.

{2 hours later}
You opened your eyes and looked around as best you could in the dim lights.
Why is the world sideways? Oh I must have landed on my side. Sure enough you had landed on your side, which hurt like a bitch. That's going to leave a bruise if it isn't already broken.

You sat up and hissed in pain at the sudden removal of pressure on your side. Wait I have healing magic. I'm stupid. You put your hand on your side and directed the flow of magic towards your fingertips. Instantly your side felt 100 times better. You didn't know exactly how you had magic, all you knew you was that you were born with them. From the next room you heard humming. Whoever it was, was humming a sad tune. Your heart felt heavy because you recognized the tune. Your grandmother taught you it before she lost the battle to lung cancer.
Your grandmother sat on the rocking chair knitting a small sweater. You were on the floor next to her, coloring. "Grandma! Grandma! Look what I made!" Your younger self exclaimed holding up the picture. It was of you and your grandma under a tree. For fun you drew 2 skeletons, 3 goat monsters, a fish lady hugging a small yellow reptilian monster with a pink robot with fabulous hair. Your grandma laughed and ruffled your h/l h/c hair. Then your grandma started coughing and shaking. A drop of blood sprang from her mouth. Your younger self screamed and cried until someone came to help. They took your grandma to the emergency room. You sat alone in the waiting room while they performed a surgery on your grandma's left lung. There was no noise coming from the room. 4 doctors shuffled out of the room. They looked over at you and one of the nurses burst into tears. She told you that your grandma was dying and she wanted to see you. You walked into the room and stood on your tippy toes. Your grandma was pale and her breathing was ragged and painful. She motioned for you to come closer. "When you have children teach them this." She said hoarsely. She hummed the tune quietly. You hummed after her. She took your small hands in hers and looked you in the eyes. "Do not be sad my child. I will always be with you." She told you. Tears streamed her face and she closed her eyes. The monitor showed a straight line and her hands fell limp under yours. Doctors escorted your crying self out of the room. You looked back one last time at your grandma and whispered. "I love you grandma."
Tears pricked your eyes as you finished the memory of your loving grandma. Your heart ached and you realized just how much you missed her. You remembered you have a picture of her tucked in your phone case. You pulled out your phone and snapped the case off. Your grandma had shimmering, curly silver hair and barely any wrinkles. She had them in the corners of her eyes which signaled she had many years of laughter behind her. Her teeth were polished enough to be used as a mirror. You smiled a sad smile and put the picture back in the phone case and snapped it back on your phone.

You wiped your tears and continued on to the next room. A light shone on a small yellow flower. The humming came from the flower. You joined it humming the melody. Your spirits lifted a bit in the humming. It was a bittersweet moment. The happy moments that make you want to cry. The flower turned around to face you. It had a face. IT HAD A FREAKING FACE. You were startled yet you kept humming. It looked at you confused but then snapping into a snarky face. The melody ended and so did your humming. You didn't notice the tears streaming down your face again. The flower's expression softened a bit and it asked. "Where did you learn that...?" It sounded like a boy so you assumed it was a he.

You opened your mouth to speak but instead of words you let out an awkward croak. Your face felt hot and you slapped your hand to your mouth. You tried to talk again but your voice apparently was on vacation. You held your pointer up as if to say 'wait a second'. You opened your backpack and drank some water. "My grandmother taught me it before she died.." you said.

The flower said nothing but you could sense he felt a bit depressed at the mention of family. He turned away from you and popped into the ground leaving you confused.
Finally found a good place to stop the story. Well this is all for this chapter. Ciao beauties~

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