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Sitting in the black leather sofas, I tapped my foot onto the floor impatiently waiting for Tate and the others to come back.

Colin sat beside me staring at the blank television and it was driving me crazy.

"Are you going to just sit there?" I asked glaring at him while crossing my arms over my chest.

"Do you have any other ideas?" He asked glancing at me and back at the blank screen.

"Actually," I said slapping my hands to my knees before standing up, "-I do. Lets go see whats going on."

"No," he said bluntly not sparing me another glance.

"I wasn't asking for permission. You sit here and I'll be right back," I said walking towards the door, only to be stopped by Colin who appeared in front of me.

"What part of, its dangerous don't you understand?" He hissed in anger blocking my way from the door.

"Move," I hissed back equally angry.


"Why don't you just sit down and drink? That's what your good at! Just let me leave," I yelled in anger pushing him away from me.

Colin froze and his eyes widened.

"Colin?" I asked awkwardly as he stood there rigid.

With his head hung down, he breathed in a deep shaky breath.

"That's what my wife said to me. Right before she died," he said in a low whisper.

Now I froze. I mentally stabbed myself at my stupidity. Surely there was a reason for his drinking. This was it.

"She didn't listen to me. She stepped out of the door and was killed," he said slowly still not looking at me as his eyes were unfocused. Lost. As if he were recalling a long lost memory.

Before I can say anything or apologies, his head suddenly snapped to mine and his eyes narrowed.

"So go ahead. Leave. See were it gets you," he hissed at me and disappeared.

I stared at where he stood and felt my eyes water up. How could I have been so rude?


Turning my head I saw Tate burst through the doors. He walked up to me in long strides and engulfed me into his arms, holding me close.

I wrapped my arms around him to, blinking the tears away.

"You shouldn't have been there," he said pulling back his arms lingering on my waist.

"Tate I'm almost eighteen. Not eight," I said and Tom chuckled from behind.

"Alpha, what do you plan on doing?" Duncan asked appearing through the door.

"What can I do beside have people on patrol, Duncan?" Tate said in annoyance his jaw clenching.

Duncan just took in a deep breath also clenching his jaw as he swiftly glanced at me.

"Where's Colin?" Tate asked and I looked away shrugging.

No way was I explaining that little scene.

"Were going to have to be on the look out. Day and night, for every hour of the day," Tate spoke and everyone went silent.

"This guy Adrian has an Elemental on his side. This whole thing just went to another level," Tate sighed looking frustrated.

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