Sweet Kiss

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Some of us stood there unfazed while some of us being me, stood there with their mouth wide open. I felt arms slip around my shoulder and I was turned around and directed back towards the committee.

"Tate, is it all over?" I asked glancing at Adrian's dead body as the warrior wolves began to pick up the dead bodies.

"It is," he said quietly. The rage and anger in his eyes had left and all that was left behind was hurt and betrayal.

"What do they do with the dead bodies?" I asked in a hushed whisper. Tate glanced at me and then looked back ahead, jaw clenched.

"Burn them."

Once we arrived at the committee, Tom was rushed towards first aid and I went to go near him but Tate held my arm, shaking his head.

He held my arm and led me underground were the tunnel was. Peeling the wallpaper away, he opened the door and there stood the huge mock of people. When they saw us everyone went silent.

"The threat is over. I'd like everyone to spend the night in their rooms," Tate said bluntly and the people bowed their heads.

Everyone quickly left the little chamber and once they did Tate closed the door and walked out.

I quickly followed behind him and followed him into his office and took a seat.

"My own beta," Tate said in disbelief shaking his head.

"My own fucking beta!" He growled loudly, slamming his fist onto the desk and I flinched slightly.

I rubbed my palms together and looked around the room uncomfortably. I haven't ever seen him so angry. His eyes were pitch black and his fists were clenched.

I hesitantly stood up and slowly walked over to him. I placed my hands on his chest and his head snapped to mine.

"Its alright Tate. Calm down please," I plead, "-Tom. Tom would make an even better beta, don't you think?" I said with a weak smile and Tate ran a hand through his hair.

"As soon as I snapped Duncan's neck, Thomas had become beta," he said sighing as he sat down on the nearest sofa.

Tate buried his head into his hands and his body was still slightly shaking from anger. The scene itself hurt me deeply and I wanted, more than anything to calm him down.

I grabbed his hands and he looked up at me confused. I placed myself on his lap and I wrapped my arms around his neck, burying my head in his chest.

After a second, I felt his arms snake around my waist and hold me tightly as he inhaled deeply.

We stayed like that for a few moments and I noticed how we never got to spend much time together. With Adrian in the way we were never able to be true mates. But from now on things would be different.

"I'm sorry," I heard Tate whisper in my hair and I leaned back slightly to look at him.

"What for?" I asked confused.

"If you haven't noticed but, all this seemed to happen on your birthday," he said looking at me, his hazel eyes slightly dull.

"Oh," I said quietly.

Hell, who forgets its their own birthday?

But one things for sure. I wasn't forgetting this particular birthday anytime soon.

"But don't worry," Tate said cupping my face in his hands, eyes glowing.

"The days not over yet."

Walking behind his desk, he pulled out what looked like a blanket. Grabbing my hand, we walked out of his office and out of the building.

"Hurry, we might just make it," he said clutching my hand and we ran together to who knows where.

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