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Adrian stood there gaping. His mouth opened and closed like a fish out of water. His little army didn't seem so brave now and fear was evident in their postures.

Before any of them could peep a word, the brown wolves reappeared and one of them walked up to Adrian and they looked at one another having a silent conversation.

"No ones in the building?" He whispered furiously. His whole plan was ruined and it was quite amusing to watch from this end.

"I told you already. They fled," I said with a yawn. My mind drifted off to the tunnel and I was thankful for the perks of this place.

"Duncan," Tate said and Adrian's head snapped to his. Tate refused to call him anything else from what he knew.

"All this is just a waste of time. If you turn down now, I'll let you live," Tate said calmly even though his eyes were blazing in silent fury.

"Please brother," Tom begged, "-this isn't you," he said and stepped slightly forward.

Adrian didn't say anything and looked at the both of them. I thought he'd consider Tate's proposal, however his head snapped to ours and his eyes narrowed.

"And what? If not have me killed? Have me banned from this land? Have me living on the streets? A rogue life?" He chuckled darkly.

"Please," he scoffed. "I'll take my chances."

"Suit yourself," Colin said in a sing song voice, grinning as he leaned on a near by tree.

The warrior wolves from behind us began to growl in sync. Their tones matched each others fury.

The brown wolves also began to growl. Their growls were out of sync and they barked while snapping their jaws.

Us who stayed in human form, stood still and and glared at one another. It didn't take long until the wolves charged at each other and began to attack, biting at each other.

Colin from beside us rolled up his sleeves.

"I'm going in."

Leaping into the air, he suddenly transformed into a dark grey wolf. He made a beeline towards Rufus who shrunk back in fear, but shifted nether less.

Tom shifted straight after and he ran towards the brown wolves, tackling several to the ground. The science teacher had already been taken care of, as a warrior wolf stood above him growling. As everyone growled and bit at each other, Tate and I stood in our same spots.

"Be careful alright?" He whispered gently, not taking his eyes of Adrian.

"I will. And you too," I replied back. Giving me a small nod Tate shifted into his dark navy looking wolf and ran towards an already shifted Adrian. I spent a few seconds admiring his wolf's beauty and I couldn't help but compare it to my grey, stale blue looking one.

Hearing a rather human growl, my gaze snapped to the fire Elemental, Ryan.

Everyone was in wolf form rolling around fighting, while the two of stood facing one another.

His eyes turned into slits and he glared at me. I however gave him a small smile which made him growl.

"Aw come on, that's no way to act to a fellow friend!" I said with a fake smile tilting my head.

"I mean, we are both Elementals and here we are," I say motioning to the hectic battle going on around us, "-using it against each other," I said in mock disappointment shaking my head.

He didn't answer me but he was furious. He shot out his hand a ball of flame flew towards me. I quickly lifted up my hand and shot it with water that flew out of my palm.

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