A heart after all

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Jada walked over to Caesar who sat at a table by himself.

"Hey," Jada greets. She hadn't seen him since she got arrested.

"Hey," he greets. Jada sits, looking at him.

"You okay?"

"Yea, just been thinking about some things."

"Care to share?"

"A lot has happened. You got arrested, then your grandfather. It's just been a lot."

"Yea, I know. I honestly can't believe all that happened in the course of two weeks. But hey, things kind've ended up good."

Caesar only nodded.

"Is there something bothering you?" Jada asks.

"Not really bothering me. Just something that's in my mind."

"Well, what is it? Its not bad, right?"

"No. Something your grandfather said."

Jada's eyes widened.

"Y-you got to talk to granddaddy?"

Caesar nodded.

"I made a promise to him. And honestly, I don't know if I can keep it."

"What was the promise?"

"To take care of you."


Huey went I outside for a second to get some air when Jazmine walked behind him.

"Huey, wait up!"

Huey turned, slightly relieved to see Jazmine. He didn't show it though.

"What, Jazmine?" He asks, scowl on his face.

"I wanted to talk to you. Is this a bad time?"

Huey shook his head, motioning Jazmine to follow him.

"What is it?"

"Well, we haven't talked since you got arrested."

"Yea, I know."

"Are you okay? I know everything happened so fast and it's a lot to take in."

"Im okay. Just trying to figure things out."

"Like what?"

"Just how I'm gonna take of Jada and Riley."

"Didn't you always do that?"

"Yea, but this time it's all me."

"Well, you'll have me. I mean, if that's what you want," Jazmine blushed, looking away. Huey noticed and his heart skipped a beat. He didn't say anything. "You know, your granddad and I had a talk."

"About what?"


Jazmine was called to the Freeman residence one evening by Robert. Huey was out doing a few things with Riley. leaving him home alone.

"Is everything alright, Mr. Freeman?" Jazmine asks.

"Come sit, cutie pie. I need to talk to you."

Jazmine sat on the couch next to Robert.

"What is it?"

"Jazmine, things are gonna get really bad. I know it will. And I need you to be there for Huey."

"Be there for Huey? Why?"

"Cause he'll need you."

Jazmine didn't believe that. Huey? Need her? That's dumber than Thugnificent congratulating Huey for reading.

"Huey doesn't need me. I'm no help to him."

"But you're wrong. Jazmine, you can't tell but Huey loves you. And he won't show it cause he's too serious to admit it. You need to be there to take care of him and set him straight. And so he not too hard on my Jada. That girl gon cause him a lot of trouble and it wouldn't be on purpose."

Jazmine smiled.

"I promise."


"What he say to you?" Riley questioned.

"Lemme ask you sum. What are we?" Cindy asks.

"We homies."

"Honestly Riley? Like how do you really feel about me?" Cindy's voice went back to its soft tone. Riley scowled.

"Man, what you askin all this for?"

"Nigga cause I wanna know!" Thug Cindy was back.

"Mane that shits wack. You asking real dumb questions, Murph. Im out!" Riley began walking away.

"Fuck it then! Yo ass feel like you too tough to admit yo feelins but really yous a bitch! Real niggas say how they feel. But you not a real nigga!"

Riley stopped walking as Cindy continued.

"You a punk ass, pussy ass, gay ass nigga! Huey more of a real nigga than you!"

Riley scowled, turning towards Cindy. The blonde kept her guard but instead of Riley hitting her, he kissed her.

Cindy was caught of guard, but she relaxed, resting her hands on Riley's chest.

"Wanna hear how I feel? I love you, Murph. Even when you get a little white, I still want to be with you. You my ace and I can't see me wit nobody else but you."

Cindy only stared in Riley's eyes, speechless.

"One more thing," Riley got close to Cindy's ear. "Call me a bitch again and yo ass is grass.".


"Take care of me?" Jada asked. Caesar nodded. "And why're you questioning that?"

"Cause... Like, I don't know.. What if like, you didn't want me to take care of you? Like, you probably don't even-"

Jada leaned in, kissing Caesar on the lips. Caesar was hesitant at first but he kissed back. Jada had her hands propped on Caesar's knee as he carressed her face in his hands.

"You're right. I don't like you. I love you."

"You- you do?"

Jada nodded,

"I've always felt something for you, Michael.


"Granddad wanted you to take care of me?" Huey asked. Jazmine nodded.

The two were at the hill at this point.

"But you wouldn't need me. You can easily take care of yourself."

For a minute, Huey was silent. And then,

"That doesn't sound bad."


"You taking care of me. I might seem independent, but I'm still human. Jada and Riley aren't the easiest to handle. Riley for sure."

"Wait, so you'd want me to take care of you?"

"I don't see why not," Huey made it sound obvious.

"But you mean as a friend, right?" Jazmine asks.

Huey huffs.

"For a smart girl, you're really slow," Huey says before pulling Jazmine into a kiss.

"So I'm taking that as a no, not as a friend," Jazmine says.

Huey chuckles rolling his eyes.

A Heart After AllWhere stories live. Discover now