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Bruh! So Jada wanted me to post this because she wants everyone to start loving her again.. Idk if this chapter helps but she's under a lot of fire so.. Yea

Being a singer at JEC wasn't fun anymore. Jada, Cindy, Jazmine, and Jessica hated the constantly cameras in their face when they were out in public and they had to get their Instagram and Twitter verified so that people can't constantly blow up their phones with DM's. 

In other words, these girls were famous.

"How did we get all this publicity?" Jazmine asks. They were in a meeting with John and the boys.

"Well it's simple," John begins. "You're the first live performers to perform at JEC and since my club is on the Top 5 Popular Clubs list, people are going to want to be around you more. That's why more and more people are showing up to watch you perform."

"But I still don't understand," Jada says. "We're 7 (she's including Jessica who's her manager) teenagers that just sing at a club. We're not anyone famous like Thugnificent or Gangstalicious."

"Still, you all are recognized more."

They all look at each other. The boys (mainly Calvin and Angelo) didn't have a problem with it. It was the girls who didn't like all the publicity, along with Donte who didn't like people in his personal space and life.

"Is there anything else we need to know?" Cindy asks.

"In 2 weeks we all will be traveling to California. There you will be performing at Jeanette's club. Mainly Crybabies. Jeanette was really adamant about you girls performing."

The girls nod. 

"Wait!" Jada says, "My brother has surgery next week and I don't think he'll be able to get out until another month. I have to be here and help out."

"I'm sorry Jada but your presence is most important. No offense to you, Jazmine and Cindy, but with you being the lead, Jada, you're required to be there. No Jada, no Crybabies."

Jada sighs. She didn't wanna leave her brother home again.

The meeting concluded and Jada went home. She wanted time to herself since she was gonna be bombarded by cameras and people asking her questions soon. Plus, it was Friday, meaning she had to perform.

A knock on her door woke her up from her nap.

"Come in," She says, groggily. Riley walks in. "Hey Reezy."

"What's good, Jay?"

"I was sleep. What's up?"

"Nothin. Just wanted to see what you were up to before your performance. It's 6:30 so maybe you should start heading over there."

Jada's eyes widen,

"It was already 6:30?!"

Jada quickly get's up and searches for some shoes.

"Ay, slow down Jay. Show don't start till 9. You got time."

"I know," Jada says, "But I wanted to get their early to talk to Hiro about a beat change."

Riley only nods. Jada sighs, taking what he said into consideration.

"Hey Reezy?" Jada calls. 


"Can I.. Can I ask you something?" Riley goes and sits on Jada's couch. "Have you ever made a really big mistake and you knew it would be hard to make it up?"

"Yea, actually."

"Really?" Jada didn't think he'd have a legit answer. Her question was kind've rhetorical. 

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