Bed Rest

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Jada and Riley went to the hospital to see Huey after his surgery. Huey was watching the news, a salad was sitting on a tray in front of him. You could tell he wasn't happy with his current living situation. 

"Hey Hue," Jada greets. Huey looks at them and nods.

"How ya feelin?" Riley asks. 

"Better. They gave me more drugs to help the pain. They tried to give me medicine to stop my shitty mood but that didn't go well."

Riley and Jada gave a nervous look.

"How's everything home?" Huey asks.

"Fine. Ya know, work, performances. I'm going to California next week though."

Huey raises an eye brow.

"But I come home next week," He says.

"I know. John won't excuse me. Since I'm the lead, I have to show up," Jada tells Huey sadly. Huey sighs.

Riley's phone rings,

"Snap, this Foot Locker. Imma be right back," He says walking out.

"So," Huey begins. "How's you and Angelo."

"I hate it," Jada says quickly.

"Then why do you date him?"

"Because I don't want work to get awkward. I'm with him all the time during practices and during performances. It would be really weird if we broke up."

"But you're not happy," Huey says.

"I know."

Huey looks at Jada and he could tell she really didn't like Angelo.

"Can I ask you something?" Huey asks.


"Why did you kiss him if you didn't like him? And why did you always freeze up when he was around?"

Jada thought for a while. She honestly didn't know.

"I think," Jada begins, "I think I was getting attention from another guy and I didn't know how to take it."

"But you used to get attention from Hiro all the time. Why is this any different."

"Because I knew I didn't like Hiro. With all the shit he put me through, I blocked him out immediately."

"Then why not do the same with Angelo?" Jada gave a confused look, "Angelo ruined your relationship and technically forced you into this one. You looked like you didn't wanna say yes but with all those people there you didn't wanna seem mean."

Jada looked down.

"What you did was dumb," Huey said, bluntly. Jada quickly looked up, "You didn't think about your actions and you ended up hurting someone. I'm pretty sure you're smarter than that."

"Mc-xuse me bitch?" Jada shoots up. "Last I checked, I wasn't dumb. I made a bad decision."

Huey scowled,

"A decision that hurt someone. Jada you're cruel and dumb now and I don't even know how to deal with you."

"Fuck you, Huey!" Jada says storming out of the room. She bumps into Riley who had just got off the phone. 

"Whoa, what's goin on?" Riley stops Jada.

"Huey's being a dick and UGH!" Jada yells. Riley leads Jada outside so they can talk.

"What happened?" Riley asks. 

"Huey called me dumb and said that I was cruel. Like isn't that such a dick thing to say?"

"Well, you have been acting different."

"Excuse me?"

"Ever since you've been a bit of a brat lately."

Jada's eye grew wide.

"S-so you agree with him?"

"Jada it's not like-"

"Wow. I can't believe both my brothers are against me."

"I mean, you've been real bitchy lately and very snappy. You act all high and mighty when you only a club singer!"

Jada stared at her brother. His eyes widened as he realized what he said.

"Jay, I-"

Jada shook her head, running away. Tears streamed down her face as she ran home. Her brothers were acting so cruel to her. Where did all of that come from.

Jada quickly called Jazmine. She always knew how to make her feel better.

"Hello?" Jazmine asks over the phone.

"Jazzy!" Jada cries, "Huey and Riley were being so rude and-"

"I'm so sorry Jada but I can't talk right now."

Jada sighs. Jazmine hangs up and Jada goes home. She sees Jessica knocking on her door.

"Jada, there you are! I was just-" Jada gave a confused look.

"What's wrong?"

Jada let Jessica in and explained everything that happened.

"Why are they acting like that?"

"I don't know," Jada says. "Maybe they're taking Caesar's side."

Jessica shrugged.


The next morning Jada was packed and ready to go. She went downstairs to see no one there. Jazmine text her saying she and Cindy left early. Riley had went with them. Jada tried to fight back tears. She woke up to no one there.

Jessica came and picked up Jada, confused on why no one was there.

"That's so petty," Jessica says, a bit irritated.

"Its fine," Jada says sniffing. She flew to California With Jessica, barely talking the whole time.

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