Sneak Preview

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Ladies and... Ladies? Do guys read this? What am I saying, boys don't read 😂😂 Anyways! Being the sweet author I am I decided to give you a sneak peak into the future!

Jae stop the dramatics..

Jada!! You're interrupting my cool intro 😭😭

Sorry! No one has time for your stalling though


Shut up Riley!

Can you please just go on with it??

Are all you Freemans such dicks? Anyways, before I was so rudely interrupted, I'm going to give you guys a sneak peak into the sequel just so you know what its about 🙃


Jada POV~

This couldn't be happened... It couldn't.. Huey was right, we shouldn't have gone. But no one could've predicted this, not even him.

"Should we tell them?" Jazmine asks.

"What other option do we have?" I question. "They can't not know forever."

"Maybe we could move to a different country," Cindy suggests.

"That sounds good to me," Jazmine agrees.

"Would you two stop being a bunch of pussy's and face the music? We have to tell them. That's it," I tell them sternly. I pace the mall bathroom as I think. "We'll get through this"

"Jada," Jazmine grabs my wrist. "I know you're scared too. Just try and stay calm. Like you said, we'll get through this."

Was I scared? No. I was terrified. There were 3 people I knew would have different reactions to this news. Riley would probably kick the person responsible's ass. Huey would lecture me on how dumb I am and Caesar.. How would he react?

My phone vibrated and I jumped.

"Who is it?" Cindy asks. I turn it on and my stomach drops.


Jazmine grabs my right hand and Cindy grabs my left.

"We'll do this together," She gives a smile. "Sisters?"

I smile back,



"You're such an idiot!" Huey scolds. I sat on the couch with my head down. Jazmine had her hands in her lap while Cindy had hers arms folded. 

Riley was standing over us as Caesar sat on the opposite couch.

"But Huey-" Jazmine tried but Huey cut her off.

"I knew that whole trip was a bad idea! But no, you wanted to go so badly. What do you have to say for yourself?"

"I'm not the only one," I mumble.

"Mc-Xuse me?" Riley raises an eyebrow.


Want more? Well, This lovely sequel will be coming out September 19th and will be posted probably everyday.. I'm writing this on August 20th so Idk how my schedule will be

Can we let them go now? They probably have other stories to read

Jada why're you being so moody?

Because this story is embarrassing...

To be fucking honest..

Riley! Mouth!

You say that like you don't cuss

Since when were you all allowed to talk here? OUT!

Anyways, expect it two weeks from now and to be filled with a shit load of drama!

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