Three ~ Quinn

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Kicking a rock with my sneaker, I walk to school along side Evan. His brown locks are up in a quiff like usual. I pick lint of my sleeve trying to calm myself down from the small panic attack I'm having. I don't mind school itself, I just hate the people who are there. Evan and I don't fit in much, so we just hang out with each other. The only other friend I have is Laura. She's always there for me and Evan when we're picked on and I love her so much for that.

"You all right?" The tall boy in the teal v-neck next to me asks. I nod at him, tracing over the design of the Avengers on the thick fabric of my sweatshirt.

"Are you sure? I know when you're having a panic attack Quinn." Evan says, placing a hand in the small of my back.

"I just don't get why everyone hates me so much. I mean, you and Laura are my only friends. You guys are the only ones at school who actually care I exist." I murmur. I feel a tear roll down my cheek and I wipe it with my sleeve.

"It'll get better, I know it. Ever since I came out I've had problems, but it's gotten better." He explains as he opens the door to the school.

We walk to our lockers that are luckily right next to each other. I unlock mine and hang my backpack on one of the hooks. I pull my books out, setting them on the shelf, but I keep my notebook in my hand. Evan shuts his locker turning to me and moving a piece of hair from my face.

"You look cute today." He says softly, smiling gently.

"Thanks weirdo." I say holding in a giggle. The boy is wearing tight v-neck with skinny jeans. I'm sorry but he is the stereotypical gay. I wink and and he smiles brightly.

"Test in English today. Hope you're ready!" Evan bounces on his toes in excitement.

"How do you get this excited for an English exam? Again, you're strange." I say while poking the tiny dimple in his cheek.

He shrugs and we meander towards the English room.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

After shoving our faces with food, Evan, Laura, and I saunter back to our lockers. We watch out for the jerks that sit in the hall near our lockers since they like to whip food at us. Laura waves at us since her locker is at the end of the hall and I smile back with a small wave as she walks away, her heels clicking against the floor.

When I open the door of my locker, a pile of paper topples out onto my face. I grumble as I kneel down to pick up the folded sheets. They're all notes. Hate notes. I don't even need to look at them to know exactly what they say. So as I pick them up and throw them away, one sticks to my finger. I rip it off and crumple it up, tossing it in with the rest. I sigh and turn to walk away, but before I get too far, one of the asses splashes their soda in my face.

I gasp at the cold rush and wipe my eyes. I look down to see my sweatshirt is soaked and my hands are sticky. I hear snickers and full on cackles come from behind me, when Evan walks up to my perpetrator.

"What the hell is your problem? Huh?" His finger shakes as he points at who I can now make out to be Jared, his voice filled with rage.

"Oh, so now you've got the queer standing up for you too?" He spits in Evan's face, jabbing the tall boy in the chest with his finger.

Evan clenches his fist and swings at the black haired boy. Jared tries to escape the punch but the knuckles of the brown haired boy make contact with his jaw. He falls to the ground with a groan, mumbling "Faggot" under his breath. He grabs his jaw and stands up, brushing off his pants. As he walks away, the principal, Mr. Trent, steps out of the room next to us. I grab Evan's hand quickly and pry his fingers from the tight fist they were locked into.

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