Burn (A Niall Horan Fanfic)

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The sirens were blaring loudly. Our small house on the corner of the block was burning; had been for a good three hours. The firemen had arrived about an hour ago and even though they had tried their best to put it out, I knew the flames were only growing higher. I was lucky to be sitting there, even if it was on the back of an ambulance where I had been getting my vitals checked. Finnick, my older brother, was laying on the gurney beside me, holding onto my hand. I'm happy I had him next to me because when we had received the horrible, life-changing news, I had someone's arms to fall into; a safe place for me to cry my little seven year old heart out.

"You two were lucky, you know."

Finnick nodded at the fireman who was barely suited up. The man had a beard on his chin that he was skimming his fingers through.

"Well... I'm sorry to be the one to burden the bad news, but..." He took a sharp intake of breath and his eyes shot to the ground, obviously unable to tell kids that they were basically homeless. "I'm really sorry, but you've lost your parents and sister. We found them all trapped in the bedroom upstairs. The door was blocked and, and... we just couldn't get through in time..."

My eyes watered before I actually realized I'd never see them again. But as soon as the thought had crossed my mind, I collapsed onto Finnicks gurney and bawled, screaming Mummy, Daddy, Sofia, my sister's name, so loud that if my eyes hadn't been filled with tears, I would've noticed how everyone in the area had stopped what they were doing and had been staring at the two of us.

Finnick had brushed his hand through my hair, cooing things into my ear, lulling me to stop crying. I had looked up at him to see tears softly falling as his body shook with silent sobs. I sat up from my place in his lap and brushed my thumbs over the tears on his cheeks, just how my mum would've done. He looked at me and with a broken smile, he hugged me tight against his chest.

"It's gonna be alright, Q... We'll be alright..." He whispered into my ear, pushing my brown locks out of my face. I smiled a little at the nickname he had given me when I was a baby that he, even today, still uses.

"I know Finny, I know." I said as I gripped onto his shirt tighter as they rolled the bed into the back of the ambulance.

We both sighed as they shut the doors and drove away from the burning scene that would forever be etched into our minds.

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