Chloe Anderson gets in a car crash while Scott Evans flirts with her. A lot. Checking up on her in the hospital, giving her gifts, etc. What will keep her from being with him? What happened or what will come?
It was a long day at school, and I couldn't wait to get home. I couldn't wait to get into pajamas and binge watch Friends or Gilmore Girls.
My best friend, Rebecca, was driving me home today. She thought that since I have "an obsession with stalking my crush", pffft I beg to differ. I get it, she's just looking out for me and all, but still. I'm seventeen! I don't need a babysitter!! "You okay?" She asks me as she turns into my neighborhood. "Yeah. I'm fine. Just thinking." " Ok. We're here. I'll text you later, okay?" "Yeah." I get out of her car and walk towards my all red brick house. I open the large, light gray door, and walk in. Mom is sitting by the counter, on the yellow stool, with a book, while dad is leaning over the counter with a newspaper and coffee. My parents are very old school. "Oh, hi, honey!" My mom says jumping up to kiss me on the cheek. "Hi." I respond not in the mood to be particularly happy right now. She drags me to the dining room-more like kitchen-table and sits me down, and puts her hands on top of mine. What's going on? Is what I'm tempted to ask, but hold my tongue. "How about we go to dinner? I was thinking Italian. If that's okay with you." "Yeah that's fine. Let me just go change." I go up to my room and rummage through my closet, looking at every item of clothing I own. Which is not a lot. I don't like going shopping and all that girly girl stuff. I'm fine with what I have. I end up settling on a blush pink tank with lace at the end, ripped light wash jeans, and sandals.
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Once I'm dressed, I throw my long, curly, blonde hair in a messy bun.
I run down the stairs to see my sister talking to my parents all dressed up, and ready to go. They noticed me and got up and went to the garage.
When we got there, we took our normal booth at the back of the restaurant. A man in a black suit came up to us. He had light brown, curly, kinda shaggy hair. And light blue eyes. He was definitely cute and my age, just not really my type. He smiles at me which I forcefully return.
"How may I help you?"
Once we were done saying our orders, we settle in our seats and drink our cokes. "How was your day today, sweetie?" My mom asks. Should I tell her that I've been getting bullied by my ex-best friend? Or should I tell her that my day was all rainbows and flowers? I go with neither. "It was fine. I have a literature essay due next Monday." I respond. "And how is your friend, Rebecca?" Why is she asking me about her? "She's good." Thankfully, the waiter comes back with our food, and places it where we sit. I gladly devour my food. Hey! I'm a growing girl!
Once we pay the bill, I walk/skip to my car. Happy to finally be done with that treacherous dinner...with my parents. And perfect sister, Jessica.
We just got off the highway, when a speeding driver in a black mustang crashed into the car.