Chapter 5: The Chocolate

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I came into Chloe's room with a chocolate Toblerone.
"What are you trying to do? Fatten me up?" She says eying the chocolate.
"Ha ha. No, I'm trying to make you feel better."
"By giving me sugar?"
"Yes, exactly," I say, a grin stretching across my face.
"," Chlo (am I allowed to call her that? The world may never know) started.
"So the doctor said that I may" WHAT! That is not supposed to happen! So I was going to make a joke. Not about cancer. Ugh it's sucks thinking about. No one that may OR may not have interest in, should have cancer.
"So you want me to take the chocolate back?" I asked her, a sly grin stretching from ear to ear.
"Because," I continued "we don't want to waste good chocolate." I said
"ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!" She asked/screamed/laughed.
"No?" I questioned.
"I am the biggest chocolate lover in the universe!"
I never knew. This girl LOVED her chocolate. I think more than anything.

Chlo (I think I have a problem with calling her that) reached for the remote and turned on the Olympics. Gymnastics was on so I guess that's better than the silence that was suffocating, literally suffocating silence.
"So you've done gymnastics?" I ask to hopefully cut back on some of the tension.
"Uhh yeah. I have for eight and a half years."
"Wow, that's a long time. Do you think you'll be able to once your out of this...very small room?"
"I hope so. But ever since the crash, the doctor, my coach, and my dad don't think I should. But I really want to. It was my escape from the real world." Wow.
"Yeah same. Soccer was my escape. I think it's the feeling of the adrenaline rushing through your body when you're about to kick the ball into the goal. Or in your case do a flip?" She chuckled at this. I don't think I have the correct vocabulary for this... sport?
"Yeah I understand. But you don't have exactly the right vocabulary. But I'm not pointing fingers, I'm not great with soccer."
Chloe started looking at me. With some...realization written all over her face.
"Hey?" Chloe asked.
"What school do you go to?" I smirk came upon my face.
"The one you go to," I teased.
"I knew you looked familiar!"
"Oh yeah?"
"You sound very confident about all of this," I gloat.
"Well whatever you say."
"I'm going to quiz you m'kay?" She nodded hesitantly. That only boosted up my ego by about two hundred thousand percent. Thanks Chlo!
"Okay. Here we go. What classes are we in together?" I questioned.
"All of them!"
"Well done! I give you high praise."
"Well...what can I say?" She remarks, "I'm an Anderson. And they never lose."
I chuckled after she said this. She was so cute when she was confident. Wait! Did I just say Chloe Anderson is cute?! What is happening to me? Guess we'll have to find out.

To be continued...
Author's Note:

*hides* I know I know! I was supposed to update like two weeks ago, but then I was spending time with family.........SOOOOOOO I'm going to try to update more recently after publishing each chapter. I was just thrown off by the change in schedule. I WILL get into the routine of updating more.


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