Chapter 2: The Hospital

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The last thing I remember from last night was the sound of an ambulance and red, blue, and white flashing lights.

Currently, I was in a hospital bed. The sheets are stiff and uncomfortable. I am wearing a a hospital gown and socks. A tall, may I say handsome? man came walking in with blue scrubs and a white metal clipboard.
"How are you doing? My name is Dr. Stevenson, I will be giving you treatment, and providing your medicine."
"I have some news about you and your family..." he trailed off.
"I want to talk about your mother. She died straight from impact in the crash. We tried to help, but there was nothing we could do about her. I'm so sorry." I could feel a tear coming down my cheek. Dang it! I willed myself not to cry.
"Oh. No, it's ok. I mean if there was nothing you could do about it..."
"I'm going to give you some time to process. I'll be back in a bit."
"Ok." And with that he leaves, and slowly closes the door.
I lay back on the bed, and try to silently cry, but that doesn't really work. After moments of ugly crying, I hear a knock on the door. And then another.
"Come in." I manage to choke out. I see a reallllllllllly cute boy walk in. He's at least five inches taller than me, with light brown hair, and light green-with a little blue closer to the pupil-eyes. He is smiling when he comes in, and has a light purple bag held in his hands.

"Ummm do I-" he cuts me off.
"I'm Scott, I was witness at the accident, and wanted to make sure you were okay." Why is an extremely good looking guy checking up on me? The nerdy girl?
"Oh. Hi, I'm-" he cuts me of again. Seriously! Let me talk!
"Chloe," he finishes for me.
"How do you know my-" I decide to leave the question floating in the air.
"Oh, um, sorry. This is for you." He gives me the lavender colored bag.
"You didn't have to get me anything," I say, not sure why he got me a gift.
"I know I didn't have to but I wanted to. Now come on, open it," he coaxed. I take out the tissue paper to reveal a beautiful gold bracelet with my name on it.

"Oh my gosh

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"Oh my gosh. Thanks you so much! I absolutely love it." I hand him the bracelet, and he takes it from me. He gently places it around my thin wrist, and clasps it together.
"It looks good on you," he says.
"Thank you so much."
"You're welcome." I pull this so called stranger into a tight hug, before letting go, and smiling up at him weakly.
"I better go," Scott tells me.
"Thanks again," I say. All he does is turn around and smiles.

To be continued...

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