Chapter 3: The News

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"We've gone through past files, and we have decided we need to do a scan," the doctor informs me.
"Um...a scan for what exactly?"
That one word made me want to shrivel up and die. Seriously.


I wasn't able to think for the rest of the day. Tomorrow I will be being scanned to see if I had...cancer. I whispered the last word of the sentence, but it was almost as if it had left a bad taste in my mouth. I couldn't believe it! There was no history of cancer in my family. Or was there? I thought.
I couldn't have it!!! I thought to myself. I felt so many things. Fear. Anger. Betrayal...somehow. This couldn't be happening. Or is that why Mom had all that medicine in her cabinet? That thought made tears prickle my eyes. No! I need to think positive. But how can I?

To be continued...

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